> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Government Bailouts Take America Down A Slippery Slope,

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Government Bailouts Take America Down A Slippery Slope,

Americans who have defaulted on their mortgages, the mortgage companies that extended the faulty loans all getting a hand up from the new Socialist America throwing free market principles to the wind bailing out the irresponsible or terribly unfortunate parties .

Where is the hand up for the tens of millions of Americans who have filed bankruptcy and or lost their homes to foreclosures previous to this big happy welfare handout we are now seeing before our eyes?

Why did they have to suffer all the terrible consequences of their failures for whatever the reasons were be they good or bad, while this batch of mostly irresponsible f*** ups gets Uncle Sam to clean up their messes?

That's my question of the day.....

CEO: Fannie/Freddie Bailout Makes America 'More Communist than China':

Business and Media Institute: "Has America created its own variety of communism with the U.S. Treasury Department’s bailout of two beleaguered government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE)? According to Rogers Holding CEO Jim Rogers, the answer is yes.

“America is more communist than China is right now,” Rogers told CNBC Europe’s “Squawk Box Europe” September 8. “You can at least have a free market in housing and a lot of other things in China. And you can see that this is welfare for the rich. This is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters.'

Rogers, known for launching the Quantum Fund with left-wing heavyweight George Soros, said the bailout was not benefiting homeowners or helping average citizens improve their standing for a home mortgage.

“It’s not bailing out the homeowners who are in trouble, by the way,” Rogers said. “It’s not bailing out people who want a mortgage – it’s just bailing out financial institutions. This is not my idea of the way things are supposed to be, but if that’s what America wants, you know, it can elect people who are going to do it. I think"

Here's the McCain Palin reaction int he Wall STreet Journal this morning to this crisis and the bailouts:

We'll Protect Taxpayers From More Bailouts -

WSJ.com: "The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is another outrageous, but sadly necessary, step for these two institutions. Given the long-term mismanagement and flawed structure of these two companies, this was the only short-term alternative for ensuring that hard-working Americans have access to affordable mortgages during this difficult economic period.

We are strong advocates for the permanent reform of Fannie and Freddie. For years, Congress failed to act and it is deeply troubling that what we are now seeing is an exercise in crisis management rather than sound planning, and at great cost to taxpayers." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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