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Friday, August 22, 2008

Yet Another Obama Lie and Obsfucation From Last Saturday's SaddleBack Massacre

He lies and distorts so much it take s a week to figure the stuff out and fact check it all to make sure that it's yet another one of his blame America first statements, and as for the one he pulled out of his bag of tricks was accusing all Americans of falling down on generosity which makes me want to reach out and choke the people that utter this phrase from time to time on the left.

The only generosity they count is when liberal politicians in our government unconstitutionally take our money and send it around the world while fraudulently taking full credit while counting that as their demonstration of their personal commitments to charity as they and Obama do all the time.

That damn Obama sponsored UN Senate Bill 2433 was a thinly veiled Democratic ploy to buy world support for Obama in the hopes that Americans would swoon over the thought of being loved again around the world. As we know the exact opposite occurred and thank goodness most Americans saw right through this pathetic ploy and are proud of what America has done around the world in the name of liberty and freedom, regardless of the liberal insecurities that require them all to be loved above all things sincs they all lacked this within their own family units growing up.

Obama flat wrong on Americans’ generosity

"Examiner Columnist | 8/20/08 12:18 AM Barack Obama, in a discussion with evangelist Rick Warren about his Christian faith, said he had been guilty of a “fundamental selfishness” that had contributed to regrettable youthful behavior.
Then he confessed for the rest of us.

“Americans’ greatest moral failure in my lifetime,” he said, “has been that we still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

Sorry, but he can hang that one up. Whatever the case is with his own selfishness, the evidence of an internationally superior American generosity is impressive, beginning with the numbers on our charitable giving. We give twice as much as the British per capita, and according to The American magazine, seven times as much as the Germans and 14 times as much as the Italians.

Even in inflation-adjusted dollars, the amount given each year just keeps getting larger, and meanwhile, we do far more volunteer work than in other industrialized countries.

Of course, Obama isn’t just talking about private giving, and could face serious embarrassment if he were. As has been reported about a study by Arthur Brooks of Syracuse University, conservatives give almost a third more money to charities than liberals, who mostly have more to give.

No, Obama wants to scratch another itch, his desire for the government to do more to force redistribution of money in our society. But don’t suppose we are negligent in the coercion department, either. Under our progressive income tax system, the top 5 percent of all earners pay more than 60 percent of the take, according to the National Taxpayers Union, which notes that the top 50 percent pays 97 percent. Some 43 million primarily low-income filers of tax returns owe no income tax at all, the Tax Foundation says. And 21 million families that don’t pay the tax are getting some $36 billion in refunds through the Earned Income Tax Credit.

From an economist named Gary Shilling, we learn that 52.6 percent of us get a hefty portion of our incomes from government.

A news story on Shilling’s findings says that some of this money comes from government jobs or jobs dependent on government programs.

It also comes from such programs as Social Security, food stamps and subsidized housing.

Economics commentator Robert Samuelson notes that defense spending now constitutes just 20 percent of the budget even when you add in the Iraq war, whereas spending on programs transferring money to the poor and elderly constitutes 60 percent of the budget.

Obama, whose domestic spending plans add up to far more billions than he can possibly pay for without draconian tax increases, also wrings his hands about how little foreign aid we give. He wants to double the amount even though the government already gives far more than any other country, even though our private contributions to foreign countries far exceed the governmental assistance, even though aid sometimes risks abetting oppression and even though there’s a more effective means of aiding these countries while also helping ourselves.

That’s through trade agreements, some of which Obama questions for political reasons. Americans just aren’t selfish in a mean-spirited sense, although they are by and large self-responsible in pursuing their own interests and thereby contributing mightily to the communal good.

Obama’s collectivist aspirations could damage that good, and are also bad theology. As liberal writer Garry Wills intelligently explains in his book, “What Jesus Meant,” Jesus did not “advocate a politics.” He was talking about each of us caring for others, and compared with many others around the globe, we do that pretty well.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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