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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Websters Dictionary Updates Online Editions Due To Current Events

photoshop by ...me.
The whole world knows this shyster is still full of it, and I for one cannot see how anyone could ever believe a single word that ever comes from his mouth again. Thank goodness we may be finally through with him int his lifetime, and maybe if we're really lucky, Al Gore's secret  love child will soon appear from the shadows to reveal his ongoing affair so we can be rid of his lying and lecturing for a lifetime as well.

He's gotta have one, like all the players in the NBA, every card carrying dem seems to own one or two....


New York Post: "John Edwards lied even when he 'came clean' by claiming his affair with vixen videographer Rielle Hunter began after his presidential campaign hired her, a friend of the mistress said yesterday.
'The affair began long, long, long before she was hired to work for the campaign - almost half a year before she was hired to work on those videos,' said Hunter pal Pidgeon O'Brien in an ABC News interview.

After months of denials, Edwards finally 'fessed up to the adultery in his own ABC interview Friday - but was adamant that he started sleeping with Hunter only after her firm was retained in July 2006 for $114,000 to produce Internet videos on him.
"She was hired to come in and produce films, and that's the reason she was hired," insisted Edwards, whose wife, Elizabeth, suffers from cancer.
But O'Brien said Hunter, 44, began speaking about the former North Carolina senator in amorous terms shortly after they met in a New York City hotel bar in late February 2006 or early March 2006.
Hunter, a devotee of astrology and New Age spiritualism, said she had met "an amazing man from North Carolina named John," O'Brien told ABC.
"She said they had a very deep connection and they were spending time together in a romantic and sexual way, very, you know, very early on, in a very intense way."continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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