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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pelosi Ego and Menapause Out Of Control

While we're paying record high gas prices this wench has the hubris and gall to actually shut down the House of Representatives cutting off the lights on working Republicans like a 4 year old baby on her command, right when there is a mountain of work to be done as usual while all they care about is to rush out on their 3 week long vacation!!!

I know they do this every year in August but give me a break please....Three friggin weeks straight off of work when half these crooks never work in the first place when they are in Washington.

That's more vacation time than I've had in the last 3 years, and that my friends is the God's honest truth. I do not take vacations because I actually hate work so much I just opt for the money as I'm afraid if I took two weeks off I may never come back to work again thanks to being fairly financially secure.

But this woman, along with Barack Obama and Harry Reid are so out of control in the self importance and ego departments, and she may have actually crossed constitutionally hazy lines with this Banana Republic move Friday afternoon. I and many are predicting the Democrats have overplayed their hands this time, and they are going to pay heavy for these actions of late, mostly their blocking of US energy exploration and ditching the duties of office in a time of crisis to go play.

With lower approval ratings than the pathologically hated President Bush, the Pelosi led congress is one of the most dysfunctional ever assembled. Thanks to the crappy author who's book about her wishes to "save the world" if you can believe that sh** sank faster than the Titanic, electing another woman as speaker of the house may never happen again in the near future after this Politburo is sent packing.

GOP refuses to leave after Dems cut lights:

WorldNetDaily:: "The Democrats turned out the lights, shut down the cameras and headed home for the month, but some 50 Republicans insistent on enacting legislation to address skyrocketing oil prices remained on the House floor for more than five hours this afternoon, delivering rousing speeches met with cheers from the gallery and taking swipes at their rivals.

'This is the people's House,' Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich., said, according to Politico. 'This is not Pelosi's politburo.'

The newssite said Democratic aides were furious at the GOP members' refusal to leave and kicked out reporters from the Speaker's Lobby, the space next to the House floor where lawmakers are interviewed.

'You're not covering this, are you?' a senior Democratic aide complained, Politico reported.

Another aide called the Republicans 'morons' for staying on the floor.

The GOP members are angered by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's moves to block voting on a plan that would allow drilling offshore and in Alaska in a bid to reduce dependence on foreign sources of oil. Republicans contend that with support from a substantial number of Democrats, they have more than enough votes.

Pretending to be a Democrat, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., stood on the other side of the chamber and listed all of the Republican bills killed by Democrats" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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