> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: McCain Foreign Policy Knowledge Makes Obama Look Lightweight, Obama Camp Cries

Today's world headlines

Saturday, August 16, 2008

McCain Foreign Policy Knowledge Makes Obama Look Lightweight, Obama Camp Cries

After 30 years in government as McCain has, it's outlandish for Obama and his campaign to think for one second that because he lacks in a big way any experience in this area that John McCain should get down on his knees to lower himself to Obama's rookie status as a senator.

So the Washington Post carries his water while vacationing in Hawaii as if McCain and his cronies cooked up the scheme with Karl Rove, George Bush, Putin and Mikheil Saakashvili all on the super secret conference batphone from the undisclosed deep earth location to cook this all up to make Obama look bad.

Have these people actually lost their minds in their zeal to see the political lightweight Obama elevated to Messiah status minus any record of achievement that they are upset McCain has political connections around the world with people Obama has never even heard of until this week. Sounds like it to me.

Just beause Obama and his dem elite suporters hoep and wish things to be reality they aren't so. His little European trip gladhanding American allies doesn't buy him foereign policy credentials like his supporters thought it would. Are they really so shallow they thought this would be the case? Very possibly.

I too would be worried if I were them, as the country did get a taste this past week of what a McCain presidency brings to the table immediately; credibility and experience with real life world leaders, presidential gravitas, and someone who understands geopolitical events, something Obama is just learning since of coarse he's only been a senator for 3 years, 2 of which running for president.

That is a fact jack that Obama and his Hollywood like campaign magicians that include his MSM fans cannot cry away, like they try to do int his article accusing McCain of trying to look presidential if you can believe that one. Did not Hussein Obama just spend a week flying around Europe pretending to be president with his chair in Obama One actually embroidered with the title president? Roger that one .

At least McCain was acting like a president in regards to a real crisis while on the job as a senator with political connections to the Georgian president whilst Obama is in Hawaii jerking off windsurfing and giving press conferences telling Russia what to do and not to do. That's not McCain's problem now is it?

McCain's Focus on Georgia Raises Question of Propriety -

washingtonpost.com: "Standing behind a lectern in Michigan this week, with two trusted senators ready to do his bidding, John McCain seemed to forget for a moment that he was only running for president.

Asked about his tough rhetoric on the ongoing conflict in Georgia, McCain began: 'If I may be so bold, there was another president . . .'

He caught himself and started again: 'At one time, there was a president named Ronald Reagan who spoke very strongly about America's advocacy for democracy and freedom.'
With his Democratic opponent on vacation in Hawaii, the senator from Arizona has been doing all he can in recent days to look like President McCain, particularly when it comes to the ongoing international crisis in Georgia.
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili says he talks to McCain, a personal friend, several times a day. McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was until recently a paid lobbyist for Georgia's government. McCain also announced this week that two of his closest allies, Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.), would travel to Georgia's capital of Tbilisi on his behalf, after a similar journey by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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