He is right about one thing however in his resignation explanation, newspapers are indeed dying a slow death for a number of reasons, my more accurate assertion being that mostly papers with a profound liberal tilt are the ones first to die off along with their Television counterparts like all the alphabet news departments along wirth MSNBC and CNN. Their ratings continuously pale in comparison to Fox News for years now.
Liberalism doesn't sell across mainstream America and it doesn't take an economic scholar to figure that one out.
As a ten year pressman at the Chicago Tribunethrought he nineties I left the industry about 7 years ago and haven't regretted it for one second, as the world of the internet I presently professionally reside in has endless opportunities to display one's talents and interests for next to nothing, and is quite exhilarating to me and millions of others.
So it's "Good bye" to Jay Mariotti, and as they say don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. There are 10,000 aspiring journalists just dying to step in to your shoes there and they certainly will with much more love for their work than you've displayed over the years in the pages of the Sun Times.
Video CBS channel 2 chicago news
Mariotti Quits, Says Newspapers Are 'Dying'
Star Sports Columnist Says He Wanted Out Because Paper Can't Compete On Web
cbs2chicago.com - "CHICAGO (CBS) ― In a bombshell announcement in the world of sports journalism, star columnist Jay Mariotti has abruptly resigned from the Chicago Sun-Times.
Only after taping his last ESPN TV from the Sun-Times newsroom today did Mariotti open up.Mariotti told CBS 2's Dorothy Tucker that he decided to quit after covering the Olympics in Beijing because newspapers are in serious trouble, and he did not want to go down with the ship.'It's been a tremendous experience, but I'm going to be honest with you, the profession is dying,'' Mariotti said, 'I don't think either paper [Sun-Times or Chicago Tribune] is going to survive.'To showcase your work ... you need a stellar Web site and if a newspaper doesn't have that, you can't be stuck in the 20th century with your old newspaper.''Mariotti blamed the scandal-plagued past at the paper for its downfall. Former top execs Conrad Black and David Radler looted the company for millions of dollars, and both were sentenced to jail. The paper's ad revenues have been plummeting and more layoffs are expected." continued
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