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Monday, August 11, 2008

The Anatomy of A Die Hard Hypocrite MSM Liberal

Out of all the John Edwards Slime that's been heaped upon the American public thus far, a scandal made 10 times worse than the original offense by the old Attempted Cover up, the Media hyperbole regarding why they didn't pursue this year old story is the worst part of it all. The reason is the media's sole responsibility is to assure that public officials stay on the straight and narrow while serving we the people, and that's really their only reason for existence.

The cover up lesson from Nixon was a lesson well learned by conservatives from the Watergate era, but completely lost on liberals and democrats as they were able to ride that "GOP is the party of evil" wave for far too long

Every single liberal democrat involved in a scandal of one sort or the other ultimately goes down ultimately in a smoking pile up dung as a result of the continued lies upon lies upon payola upon payola. This was the case with Gary Hart, the case with Bill Clinton, the case with Sandy Burglar, William Frigidaire Jefferson and now John Slime King Edwards just to name a select few, the cream of the crud so to speak.

They are so arrogant and believe themselves to be completely untouchable and usually are criminally, always being bailed out and absolved of ultimate penalties by sympathetic lawmakers who know they too one day may end up in the slime firing line.

On the other hand, all conservatives exposed of some sort of nefarious wayward tumble from grace nearly always resign their seats of power immediately after public humiliation that gets heaped on three fold as the MSM gleefully pulps entire forests dedicated to coverage of such activities by the GOP. Thus saving the public more slime time and more governmental waste of their given power.

Below is the media equivalent of the same animal or beast, a local liberal columnist for the not so liberal Chicago Sun Times who actually ahs the gall and gumption to not only defend John Edwards but declaring there was no concerted effort by the media to conceal or not report the Edwards pathetic scandalous behavior. A pit of sleaze that we've only heard the tip of the spear from Edwards you can be sure.

A scandal which will ultimately cross into the illegal and prison sentence ballpark for numerous campaign contribution and IRS violations in the future without a doubt, once the heat is off after the election cycle is complete as the Dems bury any investigative activity by the feds in hopes of complete Federal control after November.

Mark my words that Edwards will end up just like fellow North Carolina Attorney of sleaze, Duke Rape Scandal Prosecutor of shame, Mike Nifong. He and Edwards will be sharing a wing of the federal prison system soon.

No media cover-up

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Neil Steinberg: "The truly interesting thing about the John Edwards love child scandal is not that it happened -- men are human beings, alas -- but how, having been broken by the National Enquirer, the story percolated for weeks in the online world before exploding Friday into what is called with increasing derision 'the mainstream media.'

Why didn't we print it sooner? A liberal plot! A sign of MSM timidity! A scandal in itself!

I can't speak for others. But I ignored the story for what strikes me as six solid reasons: 1) Edwards isn't running for president anymore; 2) I don't buy the notion that every private aspect of a candidate's life illustrates his potential public actions; 3) this newspaper gets accused of being the National Enquirer as it is, every time we print a shocking story, without our also going out of the way to follow its lead; 4) I didn't care for Edwards before; and waving an unpleasant fact about someone you don't like anyway is the way of the zealot; 5) I'm not that much of a hypocrite; 6) who really cares?

Even FDR did it" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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