> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Here's One OF Obama's Hometown Non Accomplishments the Media Will Ignore

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Here's One OF Obama's Hometown Non Accomplishments the Media Will Ignore

That is the national MSM as this story appeared in the Chicago Sun Times who isn't exactly Obama friendly and explains quite a bit about an Obama "Community Organizer /Betterment" project from 2001 that got 100 g's of our money here in Illinois, and basically provided the blighted Englewood neighborhood a unneeded gazebo and not much else, like most of Obama's promises have ultimately provided Illinoisans, NOTHING. Big Fat Nothing, ZERO, NADA.

And Americans can expect much of the same if the fraud FauxBama is elected president against all better judgment God Forbid (see suntimes video)

sun times photo composite
Obama's $100K field of broken dreams ::

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Barack Obama: "As a state senator, Barack Obama gave $100,000 in state money to a campaign volunteer who failed to deliver on a plan to create a botanic garden in one of Chicago's most blighted neighborhoods.

Obama -- who was running for Congress when he announced the project in 2000 -- said the green space in Englewood would build ''a sense of neighborhood pride."

Instead, what was supposed to be a six-block stretch of trees and paths is now a field of unfulfilled dreams, strewn with weeds, garbage and broken pavement.

Kenny B. Smith, whose nonprofit group got the money, said it was spent legitimately, mostly on underground site preparation. But he admitted Thursday that the garden is a lost cause because other government money never came through.

"We gave up," said Smith, who heads the Chicago Better Housing Association. "It was a losing battle."

Smith -- an early Obama supporter who gave $550 to his state and congressional campaigns -- said he gave his paperwork documenting the work to a state agency and no longer has it. A Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity spokeswoman said officials would look into the matter.

Smith blamed the site's current poor condition on construction material dumped there during the state's recent reconstruction of the Dan Ryan Expy. continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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