But, she's looking and sounding as good as ever in this column from yesterday ripping the dumbocrats for the energy crisis they wish to lay blame at the feet of the president who has for seven years tried to open Anwar for drilling and who's administration has done more to advance alternative energy resources than any president in the modern industrial age....
THIS IS NOT A DRILLWelcome to AnnCoulter.com: "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or as she is called on the Big Dogs blog, 'the worst speaker in the history of Congress,' explained the cause of high oil prices back in 2006: 'We have two oilmen in the White House. The logical follow-up from that is $3-a-gallon gasoline. It is no accident. It is a cause and effect. A cause and effect.'
Yes, that would explain why the price of oral sex, cigars and Hustler magazine skyrocketed during the Clinton years. Also, I note that Speaker Pelosi is a hotelier ... and the price of a hotel room in New York is $1,000 a night! I think she might be onto something.
Is that why a barrel of oil costs mere pennies in all those other countries in the world that are not run by 'oilmen'? Wait -- it doesn't cost pennies to them? That's weird.
In response to the 2003 blackout throughout the Northeast U.S. and parts of Canada, Pelosi blamed: 'President Bush and Rep. Tom DeLay's oil-company interests.' The blackout was a failure of humans operating electric power; it had nothing to do with oil. And I'm not even 'an oilman.'
But yes -- good point: What a disaster having people in government who haven't spent their entire lives in politics! That explains everything. A government official with relevant experience or knowledge about an issue is obviously a crisis of gargantuan proportions." continued
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