> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What to Make Of This Thing, The "Online Torture Game"

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

What to Make Of This Thing, The "Online Torture Game"

Some goings on in the internet world about this online "game" for lack of a better description, of which I just checked out myself to see what it was all about, and in theory and reality it seems quite disturbing at it's face and it surely is one creepy thing to say the least as a hanging androgynous figure as pictured below in it's starting state can be mutilated and otherwise dismembered with various weapons and tools per se.

It is fairly sad that the power of the internet is used in these disturbing ways, but I figure that human nature seems to always flow to the lowest common denominator when enabled and this little device or whatever one wished to call it goes right with the program of a society now seemingly in decline.

Check this thing out here if you wish, certainly keep the kids away from this one that are at least under 13 in my view. As for what I would say to the people who claim this is absolutely harmless which the comments on the site tend to point towards, would be "what if Jeffery Dahmer and his ilk had this thing to play with in his days? Would they have been less inclined to do it with animals and then graduating to human beings or more likely as was the documented case with him"?
My educated guess and honest personal opinion would be "more likely than not", as instead of satisfying a sick urge to do this in reality it would accentuate it in the ones who have the propensity to engage in such inhuman behavior, in my unprofessional view but civilized human being experience... 43 years of such..

That torture game

msnbc.com: "I'm trying to figure out why I'm not bothered in the least by the torture game Winda Benedetti wrote about today in her Citizen Gamer column. (version 1 and the new version 2)

I think the bottom line is that it's just not realistic enough to be very disturbing. It takes more than a vaguely human form and the occasional pained sigh to trigger the visceral revulsion of witnessing the mistreatment of a human being. It reminds me more of one of those time waster games that's more about exploring the properties of the program than the specific subject matter.

I don't want to get into a game of 'what's grosser than this' but the floppiness of the torture doll reminds me a little of the falling bikini woman that was popular a while ago. And what's odd is that I find that somehow less real but more disturbing." continued
On the net search here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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