I read about this FauxBama "birth certificate problem" a long time ago and was going to blog about it then, but said to myself "this certainly has to have been addressed and debunked at an earlier time. I mean, after all the guy was sent to Washington as a senator for criminy's sake".
So much for that I guess, as it now seems that Barack Hussein Obama Jr's birth certificate is turning out to be quite a third rate photoshop fakery according to a plethora of bloggers including the Canada Free Press and these folks at No Quarter, who I must admit have been known from time to time during this campaign thus far to not exactly be the bastion of literary accuracy when it comes to "Barack the Majik Negro".
However, they do have quite extensive posts regarding the rapidly fading Messiah FauxBama and his now appearing to be an illegitimate birth certificate, as it is scrutinized and compared to a known authentic version of another Hawaiian birth certificate that was provided to the NoQuarters Blog supposedly from the exact same governmental agency that indicates both should be identical but are not.
Both examples are pictured below for your own examination in order for you and I to determine if FauxBama's rookie campaign contingent actually had the temerity to attempt passing off a fraudulent birth certificate to America and the world with no compunction whatsoever, thus proving the well traveled theory that he and his campaign disciples truly believe they are they anointed ones, and that the average angry religious gun clinging American like myself and others have the collective intelligence of his favorite crack pipe or even less than that.
So much for that I guess, as it now seems that Barack Hussein Obama Jr's birth certificate is turning out to be quite a third rate photoshop fakery according to a plethora of bloggers including the Canada Free Press and these folks at No Quarter, who I must admit have been known from time to time during this campaign thus far to not exactly be the bastion of literary accuracy when it comes to "Barack the Majik Negro".
However, they do have quite extensive posts regarding the rapidly fading Messiah FauxBama and his now appearing to be an illegitimate birth certificate, as it is scrutinized and compared to a known authentic version of another Hawaiian birth certificate that was provided to the NoQuarters Blog supposedly from the exact same governmental agency that indicates both should be identical but are not.
Both examples are pictured below for your own examination in order for you and I to determine if FauxBama's rookie campaign contingent actually had the temerity to attempt passing off a fraudulent birth certificate to America and the world with no compunction whatsoever, thus proving the well traveled theory that he and his campaign disciples truly believe they are they anointed ones, and that the average angry religious gun clinging American like myself and others have the collective intelligence of his favorite crack pipe or even less than that.
View full size reproduction yourself here:
CFP: Winnie the Pooh’s birth certificate more authentic than Obama’s:
CanadaFree Press : "It was Richard Danzig, Navy Secretary under President Bill Clinton, now touted as National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, who told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”
Now Winnie the Pooh seems to have something that Barack Obama doesn’t: a legitimate birth certificate. Winnie’s birth certificate was signed by its creator A.A. Milne. See Winnie’s birth certificate here.
According to Israelinsider, “It is now a certainty that the “birth certificate” claimed by the Barack Obama campaign as authentic is a photoshopped fake.”
“The image, purporting to come from the Hawaii Department of Health, has been the subject of intense skepticism in the blogosphere in the past few weeks. But now the senior spokesman of that Department has confirmed to Israel Insider what are the required features of a certified birth document—features that Obama’s purported “birth certificate” clearly lack." continued here
And here is much more on this issue from again, No QuarterBlog.....
Obama’s Birth Certificate BAMBOOZLE, Cont. :
NO QUARTER: "Friday we started a series on Obama’s birth certificate. The most recent post, Obama’s BIG Birth Certificate PROBLEM, featured two supposed “Certificates of Live Birth” from Honolulu, Hawaii: one presented as evidence of Obama’s 1961 birth; and the other certifying the birth of Patricia Decosta.
Here again is the document proffered by the Obama Campaign as evidence of his birth:And here is Ms. Decosta’s certification:
Continued here at NoQuarter Blog......
We'll have to see where this one heads if there is any legitimate explanation as to the obvious differences in the two birth certificates and I encourage you reading both posts as they are quite informative and to me seem to have been checked out quite professionally for a couple of blogs.
And for those who may have missed this along the way thus far, while researching this post I ran across this funny caricature of Hill and FauxBama that I felt was worth posting for posterity sake in the least....
And for those who may have missed this along the way thus far, while researching this post I ran across this funny caricature of Hill and FauxBama that I felt was worth posting for posterity sake in the least....
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