Who better to lead up the justice department in Barack Hussein ObamaII's for the time being fantasy administration but the imbecile who was entirely responsible for the infamous wall put up between our law enforcement agencies that essentially allowed 9-11 to occur, and was then allowed onto the useless 9-11 coverup panel to whitewash her wide ass and deadly mistakes, along with bosses Reno and Slick himself glossing over their extreme yet ignored culpability in the attacks.That imbecile would be the notoriously stupid lefty Jamie Gorelick herself, friend of terrorists all around the world and special hero especially to 19 Allah loving camel riders now in his virgin land , human scum who most would never have known about were it not for Janet Reno's little sidekick who in many opinions has the blood of 3000 plus Americans on her slimy hands. This is mostly due to her personal butchering of the communication channels between the FBI, CIA, and local law enforcement agencies that prevented information that would have uncovered the planned attacks from being discovered. This was a terribly ill advised maneuver now repaired by the introduction of the Office of Homeland security, an agency Brobama and Gorelick would shut down or butcher, thus sending invitations to America's enemies to fire away and get back to work full bore as they were during Slick's filth filled 8 years in the Oral office.
Janet Reno's No. 2 possible attorney general for Obama:
Worldnetdaily"NEW YORK – A panel of Democratic Party legal heavyweights speculated Jamie Gorelick, former deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, could be appointed attorney general if Barack Obama were elected president.
In a panel chaired by Elena Kagan, dean and professor of law at Harvard Law School, Gorelick charged on the opening plenary panel of the American Constitution's Society two-day meeting in Washington that the Bush administration had politicized the operation of the Justice Department.""Gorelick said that if she were appointed attorney general in an Obama administration, her first job would be to 'fix' the Department of Justice.
'The Justice Department only functions well if the career lawyers have a voice and are actively consulted,' Gorelick told the 700 attendees. 'In the old order, if the White House wanted to know if something was lawful, it would call the Justice Department, and there would be a lot of discussion within the Justice Department at the attorney general's office. The legal opinion would be the product of the Justice Department's work.'
Later, Gorelick acknowledged the attorney general had to be close ideologically to the president in order to represent the administration's legal positions both to the public and through the office of solicitor general.
Gorelick was appointed by then-Senate Democratic Party minority leader Tom Daschle to serve on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, commonly known as the 9/11 commission.
(Story continues)
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