Any government attorneys or immigration employees that accept bribes in order to aid illegals in any way whatsoever are traitors to this country and should be treated as such with stiff fines and lengthy prison terms, if not a life sentence for endangering the entire population with such selfish activity.

Any of these potential illegal "bribers" could actually be terrorists and or other dangerous criminal types for all they or anyone else knows, and present a terrible danger to all Americans, all so the bribed individual can make a few extra bucks here and there..all we need is more of those pictured above and worse if that's imaginable.....
ICE attorney arrested for alleged immigrant bribes
- Yahoo! News: "LOS ANGELES - An attorney for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and his wife were arrested on suspicion of accepting thousands of dollars from both legal and illegal immigrants in exchange for immigration benefits, authorities said.
ICE Assistant Chief Counsel Constantine Peter Kallas, 38, and wife Maria Kallas, 39, both of Alta Loma, were arrested Thursday at the San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino, where authorities believed they were accepting such a bribe, U.S. Attorney spokesman Thom Mrozek said in a statement.
A search warrant affidavit said the couple, using a pair of companies they had set up, filed false employment petitions with federal authorities for 45 illegal immigrants and two legal permanent residents." continued
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