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Today's world headlines

Friday, June 13, 2008

Here Today, GoneTomorrow :(

Tim Russert's unexpected sudden death this afternoon is one of those things where you snap back with a double take towards the radio or television or nowadays the computer monitor and say to yourself or whoever is within earshot, "no way, this has to be a joke of some sort, a bad one but a joke, it has to be" "what channel am I on here?" etc etc...

Then you start flipping around the channels and websites to verify what you've just seen and heard, and sadly after a few minutes of praying that it's a mistake and you'll find what you want to see and hear, then reality checks in and yes indeed, it's the truth.

So today, America, the world of politics, the dying world of the Main Stream Media and the world itself will forever on be without the services and contributions of Mr Tim Russert along with his legendary and nearly irreplaceable Sunday morning mainstay of 17 years for him, Meet The Press.

The first tv shows not including the nightly news I ever watched about politics as a elementary school kid were 60 Minutes and Meet The Press, shows my father used to make us watch as he commandeered his Console TV Set for a short list of favorites that included those two shows, All in The Family, Saturday Night Live with the original casts, Laugh in, and the other typical fare of the era which all today are among my favorite shows still.

Russert wasn't the host then yet but that's when I started to read daily newspapers and paying attention to current events going on around the country and world, right at the end of the Vietnam war where my conservative father would watch all the news offerings of the time and teach my younger brother and I about the news of the day at the dinner table every night. A ritual I kinda disliked then but grew to appreciate and would give anything to live over again.

This is such a shock and terrible shame, particularly occurring days away from fathers day and Russert having been the author of that must read and forever talked about bestseller of his about his father and written to his father called Big Russ and Me. Today Big Russ will say goodbye to his successful and loving son forever as a parent burying their child which is I believe every parent's worse nightmare no matter the age of the child.

So for he and his beloved family who undoubtedly is hurting today, I pray he rests in peace and thank his family for all the pleasure and entertainment he gave America through television week in and out as one of the best at what he did, and he will go down surely as one of the last few real pro journalists, the greatest of the greats that with his passing are a dying if not near dead breed of another age gone by. Today we mourn.
NBC's Tim Russert Dies at 58:

Associated Press "Tim Russert, the Democratic operative turned NBC commentator who revolutionized Sunday morning television and infused journalism with his passion for politics, died this afternoon.

Russert, 58, collapsed while recording voiceovers for his Sunday morning interview program, NBC reported. He was initially reported to have suffered a heart attack while working in his office on Washington's Nebraska Avenue, but the network said later only that he was 'stricken at the bureau' and subsequently died. Further details were not immediately available.

Russert served as NBC's Washington bureau chief and the host of 'Meet the Press,' the top-rated Sunday talk show, which had an enormous influence on politics and was marked by his aggressive style of interrogation. As a frequent commentator on the 'Today' show, 'NBC Nightly News' and other shows, Russert wielded such clout that when he declared that Sen. Barack Obama had wrapped up the Democratic nomination last month, his pronouncement was treated as a news event in itself.

Russert's television career was marked by a voracious appetite for politics and a shrewd understanding of how politicians interact with the media. He also wrote a book about his father, titled 'Big Russ and Me.' Last week, he moved Big Russ to a nursing facility. continued here
May he rest in peace


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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