> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: 2 Year Senator Calls War Hero 20 Year Senator Naive

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

2 Year Senator Calls War Hero 20 Year Senator Naive

Thats right, Barack Obama, in response to President Bush's spot on evaluation of the appeasers on the left actually called John McCain naive!!!!!, meanwhile Obama and his buddies on the left like Nancy Pelosi are the one's jetting around the world undermining US Policy who are all standing in line stumbling over one another to sniff the jocks of Osama Bin Laden, Hamas, President Bashar al-Assad and worst of all Iran's nutcase in charge Mahmoud "The Mad Monkey" Ahmadinejad...... and the list goes on.

Obama says he'll sit down and talk with these terrorists with no conditions or strings, and then just like a condescending liberal conveniently denies ever having said it, pretending as if we out here are all just too stupid and simple minded in his snooty eyes to remember what lies come from his mouth week after week, or are just too lazy and consumed with our Bible studies and cleaning our guns to type a few words into a search bar to fact check.

I just cannot get over the fact that Barack Barry Hussein Obama, this piddly junior Senator from Illinois with no real record to speak of in the US Senate actually had the unmitigated gall to call John McCain, a 70 year old seasoned man of the world naive.

After all, Obama has been on the campaign trail for president nearly the entire time that he has actually been in Washington as a senator, the entire time. Not exactly hard at work on the job on behalf of his Illinois constituency that sent him there to be a senator not to run for president on our dime and time.

And yet somehow he prances and primps around the country from city to city on this little personal cloud of his as if he is some supreme being that somehow has been anointed this position as destiny unearned, a man who is actually getting so full of himself thanks to the fawning media and his cult following that he's starting to believe all the fluff himself, quite delusional.

Excuse me Barack, but I believe you were the naive one who said that he would sit down with and negotiate with the terrorist enemies of ours in the middle East. George Bush didn't say that, John McCain didn't say it, you said it loud and clear and the country as well as the world heard it and are talking about it. So in regards to this issue, as far as I'm concerned you can take your little whining & crying game of girly man politics where no one can question the "Mighty Obama" as if your somehow above all this vetting and explaining who and what you are, and stick it right where it belongs and where it comes from endlessly, your backside..

And as your doing that you can also kiss my marshmallow colored honky a** when you start calling a man like John McCain naive, a true war hero if there ever was one, a man who comes from a family of unmatchable valor and service of country, a real American man who has spent more time in his 70 years serving this country in one way or another for longer than your Muslim born a** has even been alive.

This guy Obama sure has some nerve I'll tell ya, and I wish John McCain actually had a mean streak in him and would get up and bitch slap the Boy Wonder right back into place , and then would stop kissing the asses of all these liberals in hopes of getting their votes, and all the while in the process he is alienating the very conservatives that he needs to get elected.

WTF is all I can say about this strategy of his, as I really would like to see him rewarded for his lifetime of service to country finally being named the HMIC, but he's blowing it in a big way by trying to out liberal the professional liberals. Go Figure.

Here's McCain on Obama :

Obama criticizes McCain, Bush on appeasement talk:

"WATERTOWN, S.D. (AP) - Barack Obama rebuked Republican rival John McCain and President Bush for 'dishonest, divisive' attacks in hinting that the Democratic presidential candidate would appease terrorists, staunchly defending his national security credentials for the general election campaign."

Obama responded Friday to Bush's speech Thursday to the Israeli Knesset. The president referred to the leader of Iran, who has called for the destruction of the U.S. ally, and then said some seem to believe that we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals—comments Obama and Democrats said were directed at them. McCain subsequently said Obama must explain why he wants to talk with rogue leaders.

"I'm a strong believer in civility and I'm a strong believer in a bipartisan foreign policy, but that cause is not served with dishonest, divisive attacks of the sort that we've seen out of George Bush and John McCain over the last couple days, " Obama told about 2,000 voters at a town hall-style meeting in a livestock barn.

Obama said McCain had a "naive and irresponsible belief that tough talk from Washington will somehow cause Iran to give up its nuclear program and support for terrorism."

During his swing through South Dakota, the Democratic front-runner said he had intended to focus on rural issues, but felt compelled to respond to the criticism from Bush and McCain.

"They aren't telling you the truth. They are trying to fool you and scare you because they can't win a foreign policy debate on the merits," said Obama. "But it's not going to work. Not this time, not this year."

Bush did not mention Obama by name in his speech, but Obama and other Democrats said the implication was clear.

"That's exactly the kind of appalling attack that's divided our country and that alienates us from the world," Obama said. He vowed to turn the foreign policy debate back against both Bush and McCain, rejecting the notion that Democrats critical of the war in Iraq are vulnerable to charges of being soft on terrorism.

"If they want a debate about protecting the United States of America, that's a debate I'm ready to win because George Bush and John McCain have a lot to answer for," Obama said. He blamed Bush's policies for enhancing the strength of terrorist groups such as Hamas and "the fact that al-Qaida's leadership is stronger than ever because we took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan," among other failings. continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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