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Today's world headlines

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Message To The Left, "Al Queda Is In Iraq"

They constantly issue statements like yesterday calling for offensives to be launched against US forces in country there, yet all the left can whine about is "they weren't in Iraq until we went there"!

Maybe now they finally get the program after 6 years, that it's better to draw them into Iraq to slaughter them by the hundreds of thousands since they have no base to call home that we can destroy instead, one of their advantages to launching attacks like 911, or so they thought until Bush said "that's enough of this crap"and took the fight to camel country.

. I can't believe it's taken these people this long to get the reasons for using Iraq as a home field to kill this scum. They are being drawn there like flies to s*** to fight the so called Jihad being led to slaughter by their own so called leaders as demonstrated in the article below from CNN.

That is of coarse if the left could just shut up long enough to let the military continue the Al Queda elimination plan without having to call home to America for permission to shoot these so called holy warriors on sight in which case they would've all been home 4 years ago after eliminating every jihadder on the planet in their own back yards instead of here.
Al Qaeda in Iraq calls for offensive against U.S. -

CNN.com: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A man claiming to be the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq mocked the death toll of American troops and urged his fighters to launch an offensive against U.S. forces in the next few weeks.

The speaker was identified as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, on several Islamist Web sites that posted the recording.

'The reason I give this speech is that the enemy declared -- even though it might be lying -- that its death toll in Iraq has reached 4,000,' he said.

'So we call upon our heroes ... to ask every group within a month from the time it hears this, to offer the head of an American as a gift to the deceitful [President] Bush,' he continued.

As of Saturday, 4,036 U.S. troops had died in the Iraq war." continued
One important thing CNN will not tell us though is that as of Saturday about 100,000 and counting terrorists have been killed, so I'd say we're doing a damn fine job over there.

A job that would have been concluded many years ago if the liberals would stop dragging our generals into congress and our military members into courtrooms every time a lying terrorist makes up some story to sell to Time magazine, like the now well proven Haditha Hoax which destroyed the families of hard fighting soldiers based on the word of a few local lying POS terrorists..

Speaking of terrorists here's one Iranian terrorist they need to get over there and soon along with the well hidden in Pakistan Bin Laden if he's even alive in the first place. However, we know Al Sadr is alive so a few snipers bullets would be nice in his case:

They on the left are to blame for drawing out the war and nobody else, giving aid and comfort to the enemy the entire duration of the war standing side by side with the enemies of America in the media against their own country and military over there fighting for their continued freedoms here.

F'kn imbeciles is all they can be accurately described as at this point if they are too stupid to see this is a fight between civilizations and we were dragged into it just like WWII, and we'll eventually finish it just like WWII if they'd just get the hell out of the way.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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