> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Carter Goes From Just Dumb to Downright Dangerous

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Carter Goes From Just Dumb to Downright Dangerous

Jimmy Carter had an very undistinguished and mostly failed presidency as we all know back in the seventies although in most other areas of his life he was once a very successful peanut farmer, a Georgia governor and Naval Academy military member, as well as a famed constructor of homes for the needy and impoverished with his super charity Habitat for Humanity.

But of late he has seemingly lost most of his marbles and has fallen off his rocker, as a long string of serious and dangerous political missteps, along with his authoring of what most consider to be anti-semetic literature and now his infatuation with Arab terrorists threatens to completely ruin his once good standing as an elder statesman regardless of his lame presidency if he indeed has any left with anyone besides above named terrorists and their supporters that is.

He continues these tragic missteps on his present Arabic terrorist apologist tour of the middle east that Washington had begged him to not partake in by now sitting down with Hamas and a few others he intends to stroke afterwards while being snubbed understandably by Israeli leaders. acting erroneously he thinks on America's behalf as if he were still the president or in some capacity associated with the government which he is thankfully not.

Mr Peanut finally needs to be put on a leash or at least have his passport confiscated before he really does some serious damage to the already f*****d forever relations between this country , his terrorist buddies in Palestine and elsewhere then ultimately the Jewish people, the ones who always ultimately suffer the consequences of the false hopes he continuously gives these terrorists and Palestinians by lending his ear and photo ops on these little freelance trips of his to their propaganda and causes.

Jimmy Carter Defends Meeting With Hamas:

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - Former President Carter said he feels 'quite at ease' about meeting Hamas militants over the objections of Washington because the Palestinian group is essential to a future peace with Israel.

Carter, interviewed Saturday for ABC News''This Week,' airing Sunday, also said he would oppose a U.S. Olympic boycott and hopes all countries will join in the Beijing games.

He spoke from Katmandu, Nepal, where his team of observers from the Carter Center monitored an election that appeared likely to transform rule by royal dynasty into a democracy with former Maoist rebels in a strong position, judging by incomplete returns."

Several State Department officials, including the secretary, Condoleezza Rice, criticized Carter's plans to talk in Syria this week with exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in the first public contact in two years between a prominent American figure and the group. Carter said he had not heard the objections directly, although a State Department spokesman said earlier that a senior official from the department had called the former president.

"President Carter is a private citizen. We respect his views," Stephen Hadley, President Bush's national security adviser, said Sunday on ABC.

"The position of the government is that Hamas is a terrorist organization and we don't negotiate with terrorists. We think that's a very important principle to maintain," Hadley said. "The State Department made clear we think it's not useful for people to be running to Hamas at this point and having meetings."

Carter demurred.

"I feel quite at ease in doing this," he said. "I think there's no doubt in anyone's mind that, if Israel is ever going to find peace with justice concerning the relationship with their next-door neighbors, the Palestinians, that Hamas will have to be included in the process."

Although he said the meeting would not be a negotiation, he outlined distinct goals. continued
The convoluted thinking of an ex president gone mad, a man who is willing to sit down at a table with terrorists could be considered a traitor in many circles, as anyone who betrays our greatest allies betrays America which he is doing by sitting down with Hamas and lowering the status of ex presidents to the lowest level ever attained in our short history.

This behavior is simply atrocious and akin to the meetings in which traitor Nancy Pelosi went to the Middle east against the wishes of the president and government, a rogue senator literally working against the grain and policy of the government of which she is a part of


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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