> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Typical Dems Change and Make Up Rules in The Mddle Of The Game

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Typical Dems Change and Make Up Rules in The Mddle Of The Game

And yet they as a group who for the past 8 years starting with Al Gore and his voters, those chad challenged Floridian democrats who couldn't manage to punch a voter card correctly have been crying in one form or another about disenfranchising voters here and there, this was rigged, that was rigged and we've been cheated. We all remember this Dem created fiasco I'm sure....

Yet they and they themselves change the rules of the game to start with in Michigan and Florida, are now quite unhappy with the results , and so they want to change them again right in the middle of the stream.

How pathetic can they be, trying to rig the road to the white house for their preferred candidate of the moment all along the way there? Typical liberals cannot make up their minds on anything including this.

Do-Over in Michigan and Florida?:

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Officials in Michigan and Florida are showing renewed interest in holding repeat presidential nominating contests so that their votes will count in the epic Democratic campaign.

The Michigan governor, along with top officials in Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign and Florida's state party chair, are now saying they would consider holding a sort of do-over contest by June. That's a change from their previous insistence that the primaries their states held in January should determine how the their delegates are allocated.

Clinton won both contests, but the results were meaningless because the elections violated national party rules.

The Democratic National Committee stripped both states of all their delegates for holding the primaries too early, and all Democratic candidates—including Clinton and rival Barack Obama—agreed not to campaign in either state. Obama's name wasn't even on the Michigan ballot.

Florida and Michigan moved up their dates to protest the party's decision to allow Iowa and New Hampshire to go first, followed by South Carolina and Nevada, giving them a disproportionate influence on the presidential selection process.

But no one predicted the race would still be very close this late in the year.

Ironically, Michigan and Florida could have held crucial primaries if they had stayed with their traditional later dates. They may yet do so if they decide to hold new contests as Clinton and Obama compete to the wire.

Clinton has been insisting that the desires of more than 2 million people who cast Democratic ballots in the two states should be reflected at the convention, which would help her catch up to Obama in the race for convention delegates. Obama has said he wants to see the delegates from the two critical swing states participate, too, but not if Clinton is rewarded for victories in boycotted primaries.

Make it up as we go along Hillary, what a great philosophy. That way we can everything everytime whenever we choose if we rig the rules after the games are played.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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