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Thursday, March 6, 2008

This Will Be Interesting

We'll have to see how much Rezko feels obligated to protect Obama, now that he has basically tossed his old fund raising benefactor and 10 year buddy under the bus as he tries to distance himself by simply claiming he has given all his dirty money to charity. That trusty old reliable and yet ridiculous Clintonian excuse so effectively used in 1996 Chinagate scandals, in Hillary's 2000 Senate race, and as recently as last month as her China benefactor Norman Hsu finds himself as broke and friendless as they come while standing trial for similar financial escapades.

So ironically, both Democratic candidates have their very own major top fundraisers involved federal trials simultaneously while both are running for president. How crooked can it get for the Democrats one must ask, but the media kind sure of ignores this interesting little factual tidbit don't they?

So Rezko's Trial essentially gets underway today after completion of jury selection and opening arguments this week as the "Democratic Fundraiser Hall of Shame" looks to welcome 2 new lifetime charter members to it's growing annals .

Now Patrick Fitzgerald hopefully opens up the proverbial worm cans galore while prosecuting this clown as he did relentlessly chasing down Republicans and Scooter Libby for the non crimes he and they did not commit in the ridiculous liberal driven Valerie Plame circus as the special prosecutor.
Rezko confronts 1st witness today ::

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Tony Rezko: "Three silk ties lay upon a book that reads, 'Jury binder #3.'

Tony Rezko -- once a multimillionaire, now a famous criminal defendant -- enters the courtroom, and a deputy U.S. marshal holds up the array of ties: Rezko gets to choose.

Rezko takes his seat. A few feet away is his wife, Rita. He mouths words to her, winks. But he isn't allowed to really communicate. Not from the defendant's chair.

So it's one of his lawyers who approaches Rita Rezko during jury selection to explain where, exactly, her husband's favorite suits are hanging in his closet and to ask: Please bring them.

At day's end, Rezko changes back into his orange prison jumpsuit and returns to the federal lockup downtown and the cell his lawyer calls 'the hole.'

Even before his corruption trial really gets under way today, with the lawyers' opening statements and the first prosecution witness, it's been a long fall for Rezko.

Once, he rubbed elbows with politicians like U.S. Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Blagojevich. He traveled overseas for months at a time, sealing multimillion-dollar business deals. The wealthy and powerful would pack his mansion in Wilmette for fund-raising galas.

Now, if friends and family want to see him, they do so from a courtroom bench. Obama has very publicly moved to purge his campaign chest of money donated by Rezko or otherwise tied to him.

Rezko faces mail fraud, wire fraud and attempted extortion charges. He stands accused of using his clout with Blagojevich to squeeze kickbacks and campaign contributions from companies that wanted state pension business. Prosecutors maintain that as Rezko raised more money for Blagojevich, his influence with the governor's administration swelled. Each charge carries a possible sentence of as much as 20 years in prison.

On Wednesday, jury selection wrapped up, with prosecutors and Rezko's lawyers agreeing -- in private "sidebars" -- on 12 jurors and eight alternates, two who will be dismissed today. continued

On Wednesday, jury selection wrapped up, with prosecutors and Rezko's lawyers agreeing -- in private "sidebars" -- on 12 jurors and eight alternates, two who will be dismissed today.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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