> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Sunday Cartoon & More Obama Truth Stretching

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Cartoon & More Obama Truth Stretching

Obama Overstates Kennedys' Role in Helping His Father:

Washington Post "Addressing civil rights activists in Selma, Ala., a year ago, Sen. Barack Obama traced his 'very existence' to the generosity of the Kennedy family, which he said paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship and thus meet his Kansan mother."

The Camelot connection has become part of the mythology surrounding Obama's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. After Caroline Kennedy endorsed his candidacy in January, Newsweek

commentator Jonathan Alter reported that she had been struck by the extraordinary way in which "history replays itself" and by how "two generations of two families -- separated by distance, culture and wealth -- can intersect in strange and wonderful ways."

It is a touching story -- but the key details are either untrue or grossly oversimplified.

Contrary to Obama's claims in speeches in January at American University and in Selma last year, the Kennedy family did not provide the funding for a September 1959 airlift of 81 Kenyan students to the United States that included Obama's father. According to historical records and interviews with participants, the Kennedys were first approached for support for the program nearly a year later, in July 1960. The family responded with a $100,000 donation, most of which went to pay for a second airlift in September 1960.

Obama spokesman Bill Burton acknowledged yesterday that the senator from Illinois had erred in crediting the Kennedy family with a role in his father's arrival in the United States. He said the Kennedy involvement in the Kenya student program apparently "started 48 years ago, not 49 years ago as Obama has mistakenly suggested in the past." continued

And so it is, the Dems keep on telling untruths and padding their light resumes in hopes of hoodwinking the liberals around the country that are too busy getting abortions, attending anti war rallies and gay weddings to read the information readily available on the internet to actually find out the real truths about their candidates, since the Alphabet MSM for the most part is going along with the big lies being told day in and day out as much as possible.

Here's yet another one:

No 'Professor' Obama at U. of C.
TAUGHT CLASSES | Political flap over his precise law school title

Lyn Sweet Blog Sun Times WASHINGTON -- The University of Chicago released a statement Thursday saying Sen. Barack Obama "served as a professor" in the law school -- but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed on Friday.

"He did not hold the title of professor of law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an assistant dean for communications and lecturer in law at the school.

The U. of C. statement was posted on the school's Web site two days after the Clinton campaign issued a memo headlined: "Just Embellished Words: Senator Obama's Record of Exaggerations & Misstatements."

Claimed title in '04

The memo was generated by the Clinton campaign as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was put on the defensive for claiming incorrectly that she dodged sniper fire while first lady when her plane landed in Bosnia.

Another university spokesman, Josh Schonwald, said the Obama campaign did not request that the statement be issued and that it was posted because reporters were calling the school with questions about Obama's status. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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