> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Patriot's Undefeated Season Tainted ? .....

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Patriot's Undefeated Season Tainted ? .....

After being caught taping the New York Jets earlier in the season they were not dealt with very harshly, so another infraction uncovered particularly this week will change many minds on the actual greatness of a team caught cheating more than once. Many will say that if this infraction was dealt with more seriously the record they have accumulated this year would have been much harder to achieve I'm betting, and I'm one of those fans..As a Bears fan I despise the AFC sorry to say, so I am hoping for a Giants win today to put an end to the fairy tale season this afternoon, and betting more than just hoping you might say.

The reason being that this team would have gained a very unfair advantage, and the allegation now being launched is pertaining to the game that propelled them into the NFL's club of elite aiding them in winning their first Super Bowl.

If indeed the alleged taping took place before the game then and advantage gained, their whole course of history was altered as a result and puts into question and sets one wondering what other nefarious things the team been engaged in during their best years in franchise history that may have given them an unfair advantage along the way?

History and human nature shows that those who will cheat once will do it again and again, usually until getting caught, Be it in football, baseball, debate clubs, politics and simply life itself, this law of nature holds up pretty well over time and always will. It's too bad this all comes out when it does tainting what should be and could be a dream season for any sport team and it's fans, an undefeated year...nearly unheard of at the pro level. (only the '72 Dolphins in the NFL).

Report: Source claims Patriots taped Rams before Super Bowl

ESPN - NFL: "According to the report, an unnamed source close to the team during the 2001 season said that following the Patriots' walk-through at the Louisiana Superdome, a member of the team's video staff stayed behind and taped the Rams' walk-through
-- a non-contact, no-pads practice at reduced speed in which a team goes through its plays.

The cameraman was not asked to identify himself or produce a press pass and later rode the media shuttle back to the Patriots' hotel, the source told the Herald. It is not known what became of the tape, or whether the cameraman made the tape on his own initiative or at someone else's instruction, according to the report."

Mike Martz, who was St. Louis' head coach during the Super Bowl game in question, spoke to ESPN.com investigative reporter Mike Fish about the allegations.

"I hope that is not true," Martz said. "I have great respect for [Patriots head coach] Bill Belichick. It's hard to believe that is true. It's a serious allegation and I hope it is not true.

"Obviously if there is enough substance to it the league should look into it.''

In responding to the report, Patriots media relations official Stacey James said, "The coaches have no knowledge of it," according to the Herald.

The next day, the Patriots upset the favored Rams 20-17 for their first Super Bowl championship. New England will play the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLII on Sunday in a bid to become the first NFL team to finish a season 19-0.

Former Rams quarterback Kurt Warner, currently with the Arizona Cardinals, told Fish that if the league has heard those claims, he is surprised it has not spoken to former Patriots video department employee Matt Walsh. He said if Walsh or any other source has information, it should be investigated. continued

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The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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