> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hollywood Liberals And Their Use Of The English Language

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Hollywood Liberals And Their Use Of The English Language

Whenever the language is used in public in an offensive way it is always seemingly and inevitably attributed to a liberal, as was the case the other day with Jane Fonda whipping out a word seldom ever used by anyone li although in her case I suppose she can be forgiven having spent her entire adult life being described as one of these, since she has proven she most undoubtedly is one.

Therefore she obviously uses the word quite often after subliminally blurting it out on the Today show like she was talking to one her of her friends on the phone or elsewhere in liber.

Here's the Jane I remember and what I see everytime she opens her damn mouth anywhere since the Vietnam war as do millions of veterans of that war and other Americans who love the country and hate socialists like herself that ruin it no matter what they seemingly do.

NBC apologises for Jane Fonda's offensive word

| Entertainment | Reuters: "LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Television network NBC apologized for itself and actress Jane Fonda on Thursday after she used an offensive word on the 'Today Show.'

NBC called it 'a slip' and said they did not mean to offend audiences.

Fonda was on the program on Thursday with playwright Eve Ensler to discuss Ensler's award-winning work, 'The Vagina Monologues,' in which women talk about their sexuality using frank language about their bodies and references to genitalia." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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