> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Don't Mess With This Man's Daughters...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Don't Mess With This Man's Daughters...

It's understandable that in this day and age of crazy murderous nuts running around that when receiving a phone call from ones daughters cell phones as this man did saying they were being followed by a nut that cut them off for a father to become quite protective and do what fathers are supposed to do.

However, this man went a little too far in that mode and will now more than likely leave his daughters essentially fatherless after his excessive actions in response to the situation.

Cops: Georgia Man Kills Motorcyclist Who Was Following Teen Daughters -

FoxNews.comLocal News | News Articles | National News | US News: "A Georgia man was arrested for murder after he allegedly shot and killed a motorcyclist who he said was following his teenage daughters home from a Target store, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Richard Harold Gear's two daughters, ages 17 and 19, called their 45-year-old father from their cell phones to tell him they were being followed, the paper reported.

When they got home their father was at the end of their driveway with a pistol, police told the newspaper."

Gear allegedly shot his .40-caliber semiautomatic gun two or three times at Bryan Joseph Mough, 21, after he drove past the house, turned around and made another pass, the Journal-Constitution reported.

The teens said they made obscene gestures at Mough after he cut them off, adding at one point he ran into their car, the newspaper reported.

Police told the newspaper there is evidence of a collision between the vehicle and the motorcycle, but they haven't been to determine who initiated it.

Click here to read more on this story from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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