> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Dems Candidates Polish Up Their Do Gooder Resume's

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dems Candidates Polish Up Their Do Gooder Resume's

Hillary consistently misrepresents her experience in private and public life and yet the MSM mysteriously swallows hook line and sinker her mis characterizations, repeating them over and over in hopes that the information simply takes on the aura of truth as is the tendency for such claims to do when not regularly challenged and refuted.

Here's a bit of information her supporters and the Media happily leave out of her resume, instances of omission which would cause any normal job seeker to be immediately disqualified for the position they are seeking by virtue of lying about their credentials, something she does nearly every time she opens her mouth on the campaign trail and also in writing on her own website.

Her challenger Obama pulls the same crap and gets away with it the same way Hillary does..what a shocker that must be to you all I'm sure.

Again different rules for the powers that be who are supposed to be working for you and I and not the other way around as they perceive the situation to be in public service today, especially when they have a D in front of their name.

Clinton's '35 years of change' omits most of her career:

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/03/2008 |"WASHINGTON — To hear Hillary Clinton talk, she's spent her entire career putting her Yale Law School degree to work for the common good.

She routinely tells voters that she's 'been working to bring positive change to people's lives for 35 years.' She told a voter in New Hampshire: 'I've spent so much of my life in the nonprofit sector.' Speaking in South Carolina, Bill Clinton said his wife 'could have taken a job with a firm ... Instead she went to work with Marian Wright Edelman at the Children's Defense Fund.'

The overall portrait is of a lifelong, selfless do-gooder. The whole story is more complicated — and less flattering.

Clinton worked at the Children's Defense Fund for less than a year, and that's the only full-time job in the nonprofit sector she's ever had. She also worked briefly as a law professor.

Clinton spent the bulk of her career — 15 of those 35 years — at one of Arkansas' most prestigious corporate law firms, where she represented big companies and served on corporate boards.

Neither she nor her surrogates, however, ever mention that on the campaign trail. Her campaign Web site biography devotes six paragraphs to her pro bono legal work for the poor but sums up the bulk of her experience in one sentence" continued
Gee, what surprise that is ...not I'm afraid, at least not to the right that is as we tend to have our eyes open and are much more intellectually honest about our chosen leaders than they are. Case in point is anyone who defends the Clinton's after all we now know about their character and lack thereof is intellectually bankrupt, period.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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