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Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Will Make You Shake Your Head Back & Forth

I've been a pretty staunch defender of president Bush for the most part over the past 7 years but I'm glad his administration is now winding down because it's getting harder and harder to defend the president for many of his oft times bone headed decisions, like this duplicitous export to a country that we are supposedly fighting in the war against terror in many ways.

When you see stuff like this you have to wonder what the hell is going on in Washington and just who's side many of them are actually on ? The enemy, the illegals, big business all seem to come before the American taxpaying citizens and our overall safety and betterment of the Union..

U.S. sells Syria dual-use tech that could be used by Iran:

World Tribune — "WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has approved the sale of advanced dual-use computers to Syria.

'It's a major piece of equipment and is being given to an ally that could use it for military purposes as well as share it with Iran,' an official said.

The export, disclosed by the U.S. television network Fox, was approved despite U.S. sanctions on Damascus of military and advanced dual-use systems. Syria, deemed a terrorist sponsor, has been in the same category as Iran and North Korea."

Officials said the State Department has provided a license for the sale of advanced computers for a Syrian border surveillance program. They said the systems were being provided through a United Nations program that could significantly enhance Syria's military capabilities.

In 2004, President George Bush signed legislation to severely restrict technology exports to Syria, deemed a gateway of Al Qaida for the war against the U.S. military in neighboring Iraq. But the legislation allowed the president to waive sanctions on grounds of U.S. national security.

One thing we can be certain of regarding this deal is that anything that the United Nations is sponsoring and initiating right off the bat is something no good for America you can bet, and should be scuttled immediately after barely a thought about it..


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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