> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Story Is Headed For An Inevitable Tragic Ending Soon

Today's world headlines

Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Story Is Headed For An Inevitable Tragic Ending Soon

I cannot personally recall seeing such a tragic real life tale unfold in front of our eyes right in plain view as an extremely talented and gifted individual like this young woman tragically self destructs as the world helplessly follows along, most of them waiting for her loved ones to step in and save this wayward soul instead of them waiting for her to correct this ship on her own so they can all keep cashing in on her gravy train.

The word is that they have been trying to get her held against her will apparently according to many reports here at TMZ.com,. This needs to be done immediately for this poor woman, as she has seemingly fallen under the spell of a terrible mental health crisis and may she hopefully gain control of her life before it's too late, may God help her recover.

Anyone who has had a family member become ill from mental health problems, they are indeed a very scary set of problems to cope with for the patient and their families as my maternal grandmother was afflicted herself for over 25 years in a bi-polar state at a time when this was not very well understood and dealt with in a quite extreme manner by the health providers back then, in her case meaning unnecessary shock treatments that ruined her life beyond hope and repair of any sort.

Spears Taken From Home in Ambulance:

My Way News - "LOS ANGELES (AP) - Britney Spears was taken from her house by ambulance early Thursday, police told The Associated Press.

A Los Angeles police officer, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the matter, said the 26-year-old pop star was being taken to 'get help' but did not give the ambulance's desination.

On Jan. 3, police were called to her Studio City home when she refused to return her two young sons, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, to ex-husband Kevin Federline, who has custody.

Officers had paramedics haul Spears to a hospital for undisclosed reasons. She was released after a day and a half in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Police also went to the home Monday night after someone reported a swarm of paparazzi trespassing in the singer's gated community. When officers arrived, they didn't see anyone trespassing, police said, but citations were issued for several illegally parked cars."continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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