> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: MSNBC May As Well Change Name To MSDNC

Today's world headlines

Monday, January 28, 2008

MSNBC May As Well Change Name To MSDNC

After all their entire lineup for the most part is nothing but an arm of the Democratic party so why not just change the call letters to reflect the obvious partisanship?

To go along with that their top talking empty head over there is now a regular contributor to that daily stop on the net for all the die hard liberals, the Daily Kos, not a website that one would consider to be a safe haven for anyone to the right of Karl Marx.

Keith Olbermann Now a Regular Daily Kos Contributor?

| NewsBusters.org
: "Imagine for a moment Fox News's Brit Hume or Chris Wallace regularly contributing to a popular conservative website like Captain's Quarters, Little Green Footballs, or Michelle Malkin.com.

Do you think the media would have a field day with a supposedly 'fair and balanced' anchorman being so intricately connected to such a rightwing entity?

If the answer is 'Yes,' then why does MSNBC's Keith Olbermann get a pass for his posts at the far-left website Daily Kos, and the appearance that this is becoming a regular gig?

Consider that on Friday, Olbermann published his third posting at DKos in less than two weeks:

I had a shot of cortisone in my hand Friday afternoon so I'm still not certain I'm not hallucinating this, even though I've seen it on the Reuters news wire, read it aloud to a couple of colleagues, and put it out on Countdown as the closer to 'Bushed!'

Attorney General Michael Mukasey says he has hung two portraits in his new office. And one of them is of George Orwell." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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