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Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Media And The Conservative Blackout

This op-ed piece from the American Spectator goes a long way explaining the media and their motivations as they appear to support one or two conservative candidate wholeheartedly and ignore the full lot of others. Most conservatives see this for what it is, what the media employed liberals think is a clever little revers psychology type maneuver attempting to trick uninformed and fence sitting folks that the media is truly unbiased and these candidates they support would be the best choice.

After all, they support them and give them this much face time on the network nightly news programs that they watch for their news everyday, so they must be worthy, right? Exactly not and that is why they get the face time, they are the best choice for the liberals and their agenda, not for conservatives and the country.

IE Mike Huckabee is their number one choice as anyone can see by the sudden wave of media attention as the only two true conservatives, a liberal's nightmare, go basically ignored in the Mainstream Liberal Network media, those two being Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson and only those two. The rest are pretenders and what the liberals want.

Don't be fooled.

Conservative Blackout
By Lisa Fabrizio

The American Spectator: "Back in the early days of the 2000 presidential campaign, right after John McCain beat George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary, there were many dire media predictions along the lines of, 'If Bush doesn't turn things around quickly it could turn into a McCain rout.'

I thought: What in heaven's name is going on here? Bush has all the endorsements, a terrific organization and wads of money. Could his candidacy be blasted out of contention by the machinations of the mainstream media?"

Unfortunately for the media, the answer was no. Despite their best efforts, Bush regained his momentum in South Carolina -- which, of course, prompted charges of dirty dealing -- and went on to easily capture the nomination. Because once the process moved out of the realm of the polls and the punditry, conservative voters made their voices heard at the voting booth.

This time around, the nagging questions have returned. Before a vote has been cast or a caucus convened, pundits of all stripes are touting a two-candidate race between former governors Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, virtually ignoring worthies like Duncan Hunter (who is not campaigning in Iowa) and especially the eminently electable Fred Thompson.

It's enough to make one wonder: If a conservative makes a point and it's not acknowledged by the media, does he make a sound?

WHILE THIS TYPE of treatment from the liberal media is expected, it is profoundly disturbing to see "conservative" pundits ignore or dismiss Thompson's candidacy so lightly. Typical of this non-coverage for the true conservatives in the race is a piece in the Wall Street Journal which states: "None of the Republican presidential candidates have captured all three wings of the party's base: defense hawks, economic conservatives and social conservatives." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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