> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: A Letter To The Editor From A Citizen Who Gets It

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Letter To The Editor From A Citizen Who Gets It

This is a long but excellent observation by a Northeastern citizen who like me and millionsof other Americans who are sick and tired of the media running the campaigns and blackballing great candidates for president and other elected offices in our country in their attempts to remain relevant kingmakers as they had been for so long.

Time for Americans who for whatever reason claim to stay away from politics to learn to get their information from the internet and alternative sources or they will continue to be brainwashed by the liberal media, and our once great country will continue to suffer until they all collectively wake the f*** up and soon.

Media shouldn't make our choices:

Berkshire Eagle Online - "A letter writer complained recently about how Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is being overlooked by the mainstream media. Mr. Kucinich is being snubbed, and not necessarily because of his leftward leaning" I was in Manchester, N.H. last week working with another candidate, Duncan Hunter, who is being similarly snubbed by the media, and saw quite a bit of Mr. Kucinich doing the best he could at radio row to get some of the media to listen to his stance. I did manage to listen in while Mr. Kucinich gave a very convincing interview on some of the problems with our health care industry, including insurance company fraud. I am sure that his impassioned plea went quite unnoticed on the news later.

I had been convinced that Mr. Hunter's campaign was being blacked out by the media, the same as Mr. Kucinich's, merely because their message was exactly what most conservatives and liberals want to hear. Clear, concise points and stances on all of the issues facing us. But coming away from the election circus in the Radisson Hotel, and spending some time in thought on the subject, I have come to believe that neither candidate fits into the "reality TV" genre that themainstream media seem to love so much.

The mainstream media is really interested in nothing more than a circus, one where the candidates bash each other, take pokes at each other, and generally do all they can to get some "emotional" response from the viewers. We all know who is bashing who each day, but do we really know exactly where each of the candidates actually stands and what each candidates exact solution is? The mainstream media's goal is to keep people tuning in and keep their ratings up, and hence, their ad money. The great disservice that it is performing on the American public, and the consequences it may reap, are sickening.

To think that people who have the power of information gathering and dissemination are only showing us what they want us to hear borders on the criminal.

Folks, I urge you to search the Internet and have a good look at all the candidates and then do your own research before making any choices. Please do not allow your choices to be determined by the "knuckleheaded news executives," as Mr. Hunter so aptly put it. They could not care less who gets elected, and care even less what you know about the candidates.


Great Barrington


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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