> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hillary's Finger In The Wind, Picks New Position On Illegal Licenses

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hillary's Finger In The Wind, Picks New Position On Illegal Licenses

What's it gonna be next week, or even tomorrow for that matter? Actually her positions change depending on what room she's in and who's in it, so it's anyones guess on anything as anything goes int he campaign that'll say and do anything to put Hillary and Bill back in the White House, anything.

She has managed to make John Kerry the most principled Dem in the country with her constantly changing opinions on the answer to one lousy little question that's lingered now long enough for her to be on each side of it in less than a week.

No wonder he's already talking about the next try for him, seeing that this is the best that the democrats can offer America, a retreaded scorned wife of a philandering sexual predator who already spent 8 years trashing the country while hiding interns under his desk instead of issuing orders to have Bin Laden killed after three opportunities to do so and other assorted failures of character.
On licenses for illegal immigrants, Clinton now says it depends on the state

North County Times - Politics -: "NEW YORK -- Pressed anew on whether she supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday it depends on the state. In a CNN interview, Clinton, a New York senator, reiterated her support for governors who must contend with large populations of undocumented workers in the absence of federal immigration reform. She then was asked whether she thinks it is a 'good idea' for governors to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses. 'It depends upon what state they're in. It depends upon what they think the risks are,' Clinton said. 'A governor of New York that has a lot of immigrants, many of whom we know are not there legally, has to worry about security. A governor of another state where that's not a problem doesn't.'" continued

Here's a thought Hill that obviously didn't cross your mind before uttering the statements above; take a state that doesn't have an illegal problem, hand out licenses to illegals and watch that state become problem overnight as the illegals run for that border with the same vigor they do for the southern one. A child could figure that one out so one would hope a presidential candidate could as well.

Nice try Hillary, as statements and thoughts like hers stated above just adds to the multitude of reasons why she shouldn't be president of her local Woman's Kiwanis club much less the US.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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