> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Media Matters and Shrillary Connection is Being Blatantly Ignored In This Case and Others

Today's world headlines

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Media Matters and Shrillary Connection is Being Blatantly Ignored In This Case and Others

That being the link between Don Imus getting fired and Hillary where there was much ballyhoo from far right sources that Hillary was behind this "getting Imussed' thing but the connection wasn't so ambiguous. Why would this matter to Hillary and what harm would Don Imus be doing to her campaign?

Much harm to it actually, as he had spent the months leading up to his firing laying into Hillary and Slick quite a bit and the word around that show just by listening and watching, was that "he had better watch out" or the Slick & Shrill political muscle machine would roll him over. His answer to this when Bernard (his producer) would joke about it was that he was simply too big to just get steamrolled over, and I'm sure he was as shocked as anyone to see it happen so swiftly and decisively over a stupid choice of ghetto words as opposed to the Clinton bashing..

Now this overblown & quizzical "shock and awe" slime campaign against Limbaugh is obviously of the exact same ilk using the identical game plan that was executed so successfully against Imus. This subject matter however isn't quite as hot potato as the racial angle would have been and they would have preferred. However the opportunity came dressed in this clothing so they needed to wear this suit to the ball.

This is Hillary and Slick's new millennium answer to the infamous "right wing conspiracy" made famous by Aa whining Hillary back in the good old days of whitewater and Monica, just horizontally flipped and is part and parcel of the grand plan to eliminate or at least marginalize the right wing talk radio's conservative advantage leading up into the '08 election, giving the democratic candidates as much covert assistance as possible to get them back into the white house at all costs.

The first point of action was the they thought permanent removal of 1 middle of the road host in booting Imus..but it looks today as if he'll be back on the air in short order and will be ripping the dems left and right for their abandonment of him in his hour of need you can bet. Then they thought they had reeled in the killer whale of talkers with this Rush fiasco but have terribly misunderestimated (lol bushism chuckle chuckle) the intelligence of we Americans once again.

Hillary Clinton Behind Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus Attacks? -

NewsMax - America's News Page: "Rush Limbaugh, under fire from a liberal group known as Media Matters for America, has unearthed surprising evidence tying Hillary Clinton closely to the group. Media Matters was behind the controversy that Limbaugh called Iraqi war veterans “phony soldiers.”"

Limbaugh has called that claim a “smear.” Media Matters and several leading Democrats have taken the comment out of context, the talk show host said.

Limbaugh was referring to Americans who falsely claim to have served in the military – specifically Jesse Macbeth, who said in a widely seen video that he had served in Iraq and Afghanistan and claimed that he and other U.S. soldiers had killed innocent civilians there.

In fact, Macbeth was discharged from the Army after several weeks of basic training, and never served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Noting that the “origin” of the smear was Media Matters, Limbaugh on his show and website Tuesday played a sound bite from a speech given by Hillary Clinton this past August. Hillary said:

“We are certainly better prepared and more focused on, you know, taking our arguments and making them effective and disseminating them widely and really putting together a network in the blogosphere, and a lot of the new progressive infrastructure, institutions that I helped to start and support, like Media Matters and Center for American Progress.” continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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