> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Freeper" Presents Hillary's Judge From Fundraising Scandal With New Evidence

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"Freeper" Presents Hillary's Judge From Fundraising Scandal With New Evidence

First of all a Freeper for those unaware is a person who visits and contributes and joins if they wish to join and post to the website and forums of Free Republic.com, a conservative internet hangout started by Jim Robinson during the Slick Willie era to utilize the power of the internet to organize and share similar ideas, ideals and opinions.

They as a group have been all over the court case in addition to just about every other politically charged subject in which Hillary was supposedly exonerated from being involved in the planning of a high roller dominated democratic fundraiser that took place during her senatorial campaign which if proven that she indeed had knowledge of would be felonious violations of campaign donation laws by her and subject her to prison time among other penalties that we as Hillary detractors would love to see if she is implicated and then convicted.

The judge who made the ruling and received this video evidence the other day is a Clinton appointee by the way, a little small tidbit of information that somewhat explains the unwillingness to throw Hillary down the slope of slime she has built behind her political machine just as her slimy husband Slick was able to do and get away with for decades now.

Well it turns out that she did have knowledge of this activity and was involved in the planning of this fundraiser and the information and smoking gun proving so was dropped in the lap of that federal judge in the Clinton's back pocket that exonerated Shrill which now demands the case be revisited and re adjudicated due to the new available information.

This will have seriously damaging implications in the wacky presidential aspirations of both the Clinton's, and needs to be addressed immediately if the Shrill Express is going to be derailed in time.
Judge confronted with Hillary 'smoking-gun' video:

WorldNetDaily: "A federal judge who stated in court Sen. Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with the planning and preparation for a scandal-plagued Hollywood fundraiser, received by hand-delivery yesterday a transcript of a videotape that allegedly captures the New York Democrat committing felonies related to the event. The transcript, along with a letter demanding a hearing, was hand-delivered to Federal Judge A. Howard Matz by Douglas Cogan, a regular contributor to FreeRepublic.com who has followed the case closely and helped produce a documentary."

As WND reported, the tape – held by the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York from 2001 to 2007 – documents a July 2000 phone call that purportedly shows Clinton taking an active role in the production of the fundraiser.

Business mogul Peter Franklin Paul, who has filed a $17 million fraud lawsuit against Sen. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, contends the senator's participation in soliciting performers and planning for the August 2000 Hollywood fundraiser would make his more than $1.2 million in contributions to the event a direct donation to her Senate campaign rather than to a joint fundraising committee. That would violate federal statutes that limit "hard money" contributions to a candidate to $2,000 per person. Knowingly accepting or soliciting $25,000 or more in a calendar year is a felony carrying a prison sentence of up to five years. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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