> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Colbert the Clown Wastes Governments Time and Resources For Amusement

Today's world headlines

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Colbert the Clown Wastes Governments Time and Resources For Amusement

As if this left wing loon doesn't get enough attention already from his ridiculous fake news program, he's now gotta jerk around with the adoring left wing media, like with Tim Russert for instance the other weekend on Meet the Press, (which in my opinion hit a near all time low with that joke of a show trying to be hip). running this dumb assed faux campaign for president.

He's now become the focus of the FEC for possibly violating campaign finance laws with his ridiculous Pat Paulson redux "None of the above" campaign sponsored by Doritos and Comedy Central, which the last time I checked is far from funny 90 percent of the time in the first place and a station filled with more damn commercials than just about any other network television station much less cable tv offering out there. Watch a movie on that channel and see for yourself, it's brutal..

Didn't Richard Pryor and John Candy already cover this dumb and unoriginal back then scenario in his movie Brewster's Millions twenty years ago? At least in his case it was a decent movie worth a few chuckles for many years. Pat Paulson from Laugh In first did it first 30 some years ago and it wasn't funny then either. In Colbert's case it's even further from funny, and it's a damn waste of time for the government and anyone else in Washington to be showing any interest in this goon's ego stroking campaign of nonsense but the laws are the laws and apply to all, including goons like Colbert..

So as far as I'm concerned any costs incurred by any of our government agencies having to sort through this ignorant reality show should be shouldered by Comedy Central and Colbert himself, not us the taxpayers by funding this bozo's attention grabbing stunt with our hard earned and wasted money, there's already enough waste in government from top to bottom and we don't need this kind of crap on the bill as well.

No Joke: Colbert '08 Could Be Illegal:
ABC News: "With its snack-food sponsorship, Democratic and Republican affiliations, and Sen. Larry Craig as a possible running mate, Stephen Colbert's run for the presidency is hardly serious business. But the joke could be on Colbert if federal election officials decide his candidacy is for real."

If his campaign plays out the way he's indicated that it will, Comedy Central and Colbert's sponsor, Doritos, could be violating federal laws that bar corporations from backing political campaigns, election law experts say.

"How serious can you get about running as a joke?" said Massie Ritsch, communications director for the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan group that tracks campaign finances. "The Federal Election Commission doesn't have a great sense of humor." CONTINUED


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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