He is a "9-11 truther" so this shouldn't come as a surprise I guess, but I'm always put off by people that still are glorified and also awarded celebrity status who offend so many people willingly and un-caringly as this a**hole did on this past 9-11.
This could have been a simple misuse of the words when he wished a disc jockey the other day a 'Happy 9-11", but after being quizzed on his intention by the stunned jock giving him ample opportunity to rectify his seeming blunder, he instead made clear that yes indeed he was basically saying screw you 9-11 mourners and anyone else by misusing the phrase the way he did that morning.
Go ahead and judge for yourself what he meant....
Streisand hubby: 'Happy 9/11':Say What Buddy?WorldNetDaily: "Actor and husband of Barbra Streisand, James Brolin, offered radio listeners a 'Happy 9/11' Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the U.S., during a promotional appearance for his new movie 'The Hunting Party.'"
Brolin was being interviewed on the Chaz and AJ Show on WPLR, a New Haven, Conn., radio station.
"The Hunting Party," based on a true story, tells the tale of a washed-up war correspondant, played by Richard Gere, who returns to Bosnia in 2000 to track down a wanted Serbian war criminal. The movie, which premiered last month, is described as combining "comedy, tension and high political intrigue."
During his interview on the morning radio show, Brolin's mention of tracking down war criminals prompted Chaz to note the significance of the day, the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Brolin, sounding surprised at mention of the anniversary, responded by wishing the radio pair, "Happy 9/11!"
The transcript follows:What a guy....
Brolin: So, you know, it's, it's kind of a parody on how come we can't catch war criminals with all our sophisticated stuff, you know.
Chaz: That's something we've been talking about a lot today on the show for obvious reasons, the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Brolin: Right. Oh yeah. Oh, Happy 9/11!
[Long silence]
Chaz: Well, that's kind of a weird thing to say.
Brolin: [Laughter] I heard silence.
Chaz: Yeah.
Brolin: Well ...
Chaz: Well, we're right outside of New York. I mean, I know people ...
AJ: Right.
Chaz: ... who lost family members so ... I don't know ... we don't say Happy 9/11 around here.
Brolin: Celebrate the day, right?
Chaz: Yeah, well, we kind of commemorate the day by remembering the people who were lost and the families that they left behind.
Brolin: I understand ...
Chaz: Yeah.
Brolin: It's a horrible situation how they've been left behind, even now, by, uh, anybody who might, uh ...
Chaz: I think you'd be better off talking about this movie.
Last year, while appearing on "The View," Brolin, noting his parents and grandparents had been Republicans, said he had since "started thinking for myself." He then encouraged viewers to visit a website that argues the World Trade Center buildings fell as the result of a controlled demolition.
Who the he** would pay to see anything made by this arrogant a**hole. I wouldn't watch a free movie and never have starring this professional husband of Babwa Stwiesand. Won't see this on the MSM news reports anywhere, that's for sure.
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