> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: New York Times And Liberals Sick of 9-11 Mourning and Commemoration

Today's world headlines

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New York Times And Liberals Sick of 9-11 Mourning and Commemoration

That is my take on todays article asking How Much Tribute is Enough. Incredibly throughout the article they quote liberal appeasing self centered terrorist fearing so called Americans who whine and cry that they're sick and tired of commemorating this fateful day, as they just want to forget about it and put it behind them. You know, all that left wing code for "only right wing war mongers celebrate such a day" or "if we didn't pay so much attention to it they would go away, the bad people". The bad people being the enemies of America, as you know it's not pc to call them what they are, Radical Islamic Muslim terrorists.

Me, I won't be satisfied ever until the whole damn middle east and everyone in it is turned to glass, no matter what those people do to apologize for what occurred that morning. Whether or not they are directly or indirectly responsible for the actions of their radical citizens, they are their relatives and citizens that performed these deeds, and I as an American have yet to hear anything close to an apology coming from anyone anywhere located on that side and area of the globe.

And until that day comes, my dislike and borderline hatred grows. So the longer our military disassembles Middle Eastern country after country in that neighborhood with Iran Next on the list I'm smiling from ear to ear, eagerly anticipating and awaiting the day the area is simply turned to glass, hopefully in my lifetime and soon.

This would be one final way to wean the world off of the use of oil as far as I'm concerned, and would also rid the world of the cancer called Islam for the most part, and the world could go on living peacefully thereafter.

As we all know every world conflict is in some way or another throughout history through today involves Muslims and their aggression, so until they are removed from the picture or the planet this cancer will grow unabated.

So hopefully that answers the NY slimes question this morning as for me there is no enough nor will there be until the above terms are met. Then and only then will I consider putting 9-11 on the shelf of history.
As 9/11 Nears, a Debate Rises: How Much Tribute Is Enough

New York Times: "Again it comes, for the sixth time now — 2,191 days after that awful morning — falling for the first time on a Tuesday, the same day of the week. Again there will be the public tributes, the tightly scripted memorial events, the reflex news coverage, the souvenir peddlers. Is all of it necessary, at the same decibel level — still? Each year, murmuring about Sept. 11 fatigue arises, a weariness of reliving a day that everyone wishes had never happened. It began before the first anniversary of the terrorist attack.

By now, though, many people feel that the collective commemorations, publicly staged, are excessive and vacant, even annoying. “I may sound callous, but doesn’t grieving have a shelf life?” said Charlene Correia, 57, a nursing supervisor from Acushnet, Mass. “We’re very sorry and mournful that people died, but there are living people. Let’s wind it down.”"

Can you believe that driveling BS? Lets wind it down? To this liberal Massachusetts woman I say "Bite Me Baby".

I love those little "libby/progressive" catch phrases they always use like "many people", "Debate Rises", "we hear" or "they're saying" of which I can attest I know none of these "many people" engaging in this "rising debate", NONE.

Then again I don't live on either coast nor do I frequent Starbucks or Borders bookstores that often if ever, neither do I attend anti-military America bashing rallies and homosexual sexual hardware conventions so I guess that would explain why I am missing this debate on shelving 9-11 memorials and commemorations.

Some people prefer to see things condensed to perhaps a moment of silence that morning and an end to the rituals like the long recitation of the names of the dead at ground zero.

But many others bristle at such talk, especially those who lost relatives on that day.

“The idea of scaling back just seems so offensive to me when you think of the monumental nature of that tragedy,” said Anita LaFond Korsonsky, whose sister Jeanette LaFond-Menichino died in the World Trade Center. “If you’re tired of it, don’t attend it; turn off your TV or leave town. To say six years is enough, it’s not. I don’t know what is enough.” continued

Now there we have some sanity. The disparity between those paragraphs displays the disparity between progressives and conservatives. When they have no dog in the fight per say, liberals could give a hoot or holler. But lord knows when it effects them in the slightest way bad or good, they'll move heaven and earth to get their way and have the world conform to their needs and beliefs, where conservatives on the other hand feel and share the pain as well as the good times with their fellow man through the the thick and the thin.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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