24 plus hours have now passed, and some towns here remarkably are still without power but I have to say the cleanup and recovery so far has been swift and quite heroic by many of the utility and civil service first responders and personnel. And thankfully all the persons effected that I know personally have now been restored to normalcy for the most part.
This was sure quite a storm which I have likened to a "baby hurricane" after witnessing this burst yesterday containing in some spots 200 mph winds briefly, and seeing firsthand a Floridian hurricane season at my fathers Bonita Springs summer home a few years back.
Certainly not the lasting damage here as a true deadly hurricane of coarse, and we all here thank the lord no deaths have been attributed to the storm and very few injuries have been reported. Lotsa' property damage very done quickly, and we do however still face the continued flooding threat from the Des Plaines river about 3 miles East of my home and the Fox river 15 miles to the west.
This was sure quite a storm which I have likened to a "baby hurricane" after witnessing this burst yesterday containing in some spots 200 mph winds briefly, and seeing firsthand a Floridian hurricane season at my fathers Bonita Springs summer home a few years back.
Certainly not the lasting damage here as a true deadly hurricane of coarse, and we all here thank the lord no deaths have been attributed to the storm and very few injuries have been reported. Lotsa' property damage very done quickly, and we do however still face the continued flooding threat from the Des Plaines river about 3 miles East of my home and the Fox river 15 miles to the west.
Here are some pics from the local neighborhoods to check out if you wish....
Storm Cleanup, Power Restoration Could Take Days
ComEd Works To Restore Power, Awaits Help From Other States
cbs2chicago.com - "ComEd Works To Restore Power, Await Help From Other States(CBS) CHICAGO The whole Chicagoland area is in cleanup mode following Thursday's severe weather that left streets either filled with fallen trees or rising water.
Neighborhood after neighborhood, it's the same story. Trees and power lines are down and yards and basements are flooded.
Gov. Rod Blagojevich Friday declared Cook, Lake, Kane, DuPage and McHenry counties state disaster areas because of all the storm damage.
ComEd is reporting 160,000 customers in the area are without power as of Friday night, with a bulk in the north and northwest suburbs. continued
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