> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Our Enemy In The War on Terror

Today's world headlines

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Our Enemy In The War on Terror

You would think that anybody would want to see the sound unmitigated defeat of any human or group thereof that would do something like this to any child regardless of race creed or religious background, but what we have on the left are people that would rather surrender to this type of inhumanity than eradicate it whatever the cost.

All because they hate the president of the United States they would leave the children of Iraq to face these types of atrocities just as they did while Saddam was in power and refused then to do anything, and are still claiming his removal and execution was the wrong choice to make for history and humanity.

Look at this picture and read this child's tragic story and then try to say that with a straight face we should just give up in Iraq. Instead, any normal thinking human who professes to be on the side of humanity like the left falsely claims they are will conclude that this should be prevented whatever the cost may be to the freedom loving peoples of the world like us.

The only people who are the only hope for children like him and the rest of the hopeful Iraqi's right now.

Boy, 5, doused in gas, set on fire by masked men -

CNN.com: "BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Five-year-old Youssif is scarred for life, his once beautiful smile turned into a grotesquely disfigured face -- the face of a horrifying act by masked men. They grabbed him on a January day outside his central Baghdad home, doused him with gas and set him ablaze. It's an act incomprehensibly savage, even by Iraq's standards today.

No one has been arrested and the motive remains unknown. In a war-ravaged city torn by sectarian violence and marked by acts of vengeance, this attack's apparent randomness stands out as an example of what life has become in a place where brutality -- even against young children -- is a constant. 'They dumped gasoline, burned me, and ran,' Youssif told CNN, pointing down the street with his scarred hands where his attackers fled."

In a war-ravaged city torn by sectarian violence and marked by acts of vengeance, this attack's apparent randomness stands out as an example of what life has become in a place where brutality -- even against young children -- is a constant.

"They dumped gasoline, burned me, and ran," Youssif told CNN, pointing down the street with his scarred hands where his attackers fled. Photo See photographs of Youssif before and after the attack »

As he sucked his thumb, he repeated, "I was burning." He tried to put the flames out himself.

It looks as though this boy's face melted and then froze into rivers cutting through swollen hard flesh. It's hard to see the energetic outgoing child his parents describe beneath the sullen demeanor that defines Youssif today.

"He's become spiteful, I am not sure why," said his mother, Zainab. "He is jealous of everyone. If I say the slightest thing to him, he cries. He's sensitive." Video Watch the mother describe how she cries at night wracked with guilt »


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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