> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: China Killing Us Softly With Their Products

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

China Killing Us Softly With Their Products

Today there are yet more great products coming from our friends in China to add to the list that are killing Americans and their pets on top of the already expansive list of dangerous things they are selling us being recalled daily. This goes along with that huge trade deficit that's been amassing most most of my life to the tune of 177 billion dollars killing American industry and jobs in our country.
The many other recalled products are far too numerous to mention here in this piece but are partially categorized here by WND.

It's high time to return the manufacturing jobs to the US and reject the goods from China once and for all to save the future of the country for the children not to mention our own lives.

Poison PJs from China
Embalming fluid found inside children's pajamas

WorldNetDaily: "China's massive export industry has provided ginger contaminated with a pesticide, fish food raised in untreated sewage and toothpaste containing a solvent – and now children's clothing containing the poison formaldehyde. According to a report in the Auckland, New Zealand, Sunday Star Times, an investigative team from the city's TV3 Target program has detailed how scientists found formaldehyde, a chemical preservative, in wool and cotton clothing at levels hundreds of times higher than levels considered safe."

The chemical has been used as an embalming fluid and in clothing to preserve a "permanent press." It also has been used over the years in foam padding, and is used extensively in composite wood products in construction.

Research by the World Health Organization has concluded that exposure to formaldehyde in concentrations of 20 parts per million can cause eye, skin and nasal irritations, asthmas and cancer. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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