> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: BDS As Strong As Ever On The Left

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

BDS As Strong As Ever On The Left

We've been pointing that out for the past few days thanks to NewsBusters, and here's some more I saw today in the SanFranFreako Gate Newspaper:

What will these pathetic souls do when Bush is no longer president? It'll be like seeing half a country full of crackheads without a source watching them ween themselves off of their Bush hatred, and then have to apply it towards the new Republican president whomever it will be in 2008.

Because with a constituency like this pathetic POS from the SF Gate, the left doesn't stand a chance of seating a president in a hell frozen over. They've become some loathsome and predictable with their hatred, it now spans out past the president through his daughters to his soon to be son in law.

How simply inexcusable can this childish rancid crowd get? Not much more than this Schlock Ed piece from the left wing rag sheet SFGate.
My Life With Jenna Bush / What's it like to be married to the booze-friendly, party-ready Bush twin? A vision:

"I got her trained just right. She brings me a steady supply of cold Bud Lights while I chill on the La-Z-Boy watching the Nationals game on the plasma. Here's a funny: After any home run, I'll down whatever's left of my beer and suck in a big mouthful of air and then belch her name really, really slowly and blow it right in her face."

Damn funny isn't that?..., not.

"Oh my God that is so gross!" she squeals, and then totally cracks up and makes that funny snorting noise and goes to get us both another beer. Man, I love being married.

Her hair smells like kitty litter and nachos and bad domestic wiretapping law. I take deep whiffs just before bed and later dream that I'm back in law school and it's finals and I'm totally not prepared because I've been burning pages of the U.S. Constitution in my bathtub and blasting gay people and women and pretty much all of humanity with my giant death-ray laser.

What the **** is that sh** supposed to mean? More inside queer eye for the straight homo loving guy Daily Koz humor I guess, 'cause I don't see any there or here.

Wait a sec, this is Karl Rove's dream! How the hell did he get in here? He's so sneaky. But I love him. No, I mean I really love him. But he won't return my text messages anymore. Bitch
So Rove is gone and they still obsess with him, that says a lot about their ability to move past the past which is why they cannot govern a forward moving country like this. Read more of that crap here if you must, as this POS goes on and on in that same liberal styled, stunted growth, untreated BDS like childish vain.

BTW Here's the liberal leftwing p***y that wrote it:

Gee what a stud, picking on women.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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