As much as Morris talks about and spews about the Clinton's, one would think they would sue him for everything he has considering the charges he levels against them in his books and too- often-to-count tv appearances. There can only be one explanation for why Slick and the Skank don't drag him into court time and time again for libel and one reason only.
That's because every damn bit of it is truth, every bit. And because of that they cannot dare go into a civil court with the lower threshold of evidenciary rules without being completely exposed in a court of law for the volumes and volumes of lies told and laws broken without subsequent criminal liability being revealed and proved without a doubt.
The simple fact that these white trash left wing losers are still walking around without ankle bracelets attached permanently to both their legs is one of the greatest political tragedies to have ever taken place in this country's 200 plus years, and if indeed there's a Go_ out there, before it's all over these two will be doing some time somewhere someday if they don't die first.
Why half the free world 's population ignores these blatantly obvious facts is is itself beyond rational explanation as is the whole thinking process of people who can support these crooks in whatever they do treating them like royalty after what they've done and continue to get away with to this country since these days pictured here:
Slicks "pardonpalooza" is a travesty in itself and has been so ignored by the MSM and America, here are the raw numbers in his own words via a New York Slimes Op Ed missed by the world, 450 pardons and commutations during his presidency. A breakdown of the stats can be found on this great looking site
Here's a president by president breakdown which places Slickster in the middle of the pack surprisingly but yet kicks Dubya's ass right out of the park in totals. And a killer Google search with all the stats on everything including amazingly this post :>)
Do the Clintons Now Support Jail Time For Perjurers? Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: "Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton are absolutely outraged that President Bush granted executive clemency to Scooter Libby, recently convicted of making false statements under oath. They obviously believe that Libby should serve his thirty month sentence.
Does that mean that they now think that perjurers should go to jail? Or have they simply forgotten about Bill Clinton's own plea agreement in the last hours of his presidency — for making false statements under oath? Some people would call that perjury."One would have thought that Hillary and Bill Clinton wouldn't touch the Libby executive clemency issue with a ten-foot pole — for lots of reasons.
After all, Bill Clinton has a well-earned reputation as the king of pardons — granting 140 of them during his last minutes in office — with many going to terrorists, people who had paid Hillary's brothers to arrange for pardons, contributed money or key support to Hillary's Senate campaign, given the Clintons expensive personal gifts, and/or made large contributions to Bill Clinton's Presidential Library. One of the pardons went to Bill's own brother, Roger, while another went to Susan MacDougal, who kept quiet about Clinton during the Whitewater trial.
Given the disgraceful Clinton record on pardons, most reasonable people would have kept quiet — especially when Libby's offense was so similar to Bill's own criminal conviction. But the self-righteous former first couple couldn't resist. Once the clemency was announced, Hillary immediately attacked President Bush, saying, "This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice."
Hey, Hillary, do you understand what cronyism really means? continued
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