He says he put two questions to the cleric: Was the jihad for which he traveled to Iraq religiously sanctioned? And were the edicts inciting such action correct in saying the militants should not inform their parents or government of their intentions?
No and no, came the reply.
"I realized that all along I was wrong,"
Almost anyone with any civilized education can easily see that the loudest callers for the so called "Jihad and Holy War" are always the sheiks or Imams or some other uppity radical in the Jihadder hierarchy always calling on and recruiting others to do the martyr work and heavy lifting.
Especially when it comes to the "dying for the cause" part of the radical Arab's perverted version of the U.S. army's " be all you can be" program.
Usually it's the most uneducated of those groups who finds himself or even more recently herself in an Afghanistan or Iraqi jihadder camp strapping on suicide belts, or driving explosive laden buses or cars into anywhere people amass, or as we know all to well here at home, airplanes into tall buildings for the cause, but never the leaders.
I as time has worn on actually have come to believe that many of those hijackers that day didn't even know what lay ahead for them that fateful morning. Not defending them in any way or feeling sorry for them, I'm just stating an opinion that in my estimation maybe 4 or 5 of those 19 idiots knew what was coming that day.
Their fearless (sarc) leaders always somehow manage to be spared the martyrdom and violent deaths (unless of coarse at the hands of our proud soldiers) in order to make hate the west videos, audio tapes from caves and the backs of camels and give sermons all day long to their crazed lunatic followers. Ironically, this is kind of similar to the liberal conglomerate of radicals we have right here in the good old US in a lot of those ways.
Except of coarse for that hard work and dedication part that is.
Well, finally some of these radicals like this man from Saudi featured in a WND column today are finally waking up and smelling the burning flesh or napalm as they say, by saying a "loud and proud Arabic adios" to the holy war and it's proponents, who are all safely sitting in the stands watching these misguided young Arabs blow their brains out daily for Muhammad and the cause.
Saudi turns his back on jihad -Yahoo! News: "RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The last time Ahmed al-Shayea was in the news, he was in the hospital at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, being treated for severe burns from the truck bomb he had driven into the Iraqi capital on Christmas Day, 2004."
Today, he says, he has changed his mind about waging jihad, or holy war, and wants other young Muslims to know it. He wants them to see his disfigured face and fingerless hands, to hear how he was tricked into driving the truck on a fatal mission, to believe his contrition over having put his family through the agony of believing he was dead.
At 22, the new Ahmed Al-Shayea is the product of a concerted Saudi government effort to counter the ideology that nurtured the 9/11 hijackers and that has lured Saudis in droves to the Iraq insurgency. The deprogramming, similar to efforts carried out in Egypt and Yemen, is built on reason, enticements and lengthy talks with psychiatrists, Muslim clerics and sociologists.
The kingdom still has a way to go in cracking the jihadist mind-set. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, and Saudis make up nearly half of the foreign detainees held in Iraq, according to Mouwaffak al-Rubaie, Iraq's national security adviser. They number hundreds, he said this month following a visit to Saudi Arabia. Dozens more are fighting alongside al-Qaida-inspired militants at a Palestinian camp in Lebanon.
Several hundred prisoners, as well as returnees from Guantanamo, are thought to have passed through the rehabilitation program.
Al-Shayea says his change of heart began when he was visited by a cleric at al-Ha'ir Prison in Riyadh following his repatriation from Iraq.
He says he put two questions to the cleric: Was the jihad for which he traveled to Iraq religiously sanctioned? And were the edicts inciting such action correct in saying the militants should not inform their parents or government of their intentions?
No and no, came the reply:
"I realized that all along I was wrong," continued
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