> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: LA Times: Jail Libby But Free Taliban Johnny

Today's world headlines

Monday, July 30, 2007

LA Times: Jail Libby But Free Taliban Johnny

That's not the headline from the Loon Rag Slimes but it might as well be, as they refer to Taliban Johnny as "Our Tali", as if he's some wrongly charged hero being held hostage by the US government for no reason whatsoever at this point. Nearly being treated better than any of the soldiers being accused presently of war crimes in Haditha Iraq.!!!

He was our homegrown misfit, a wrong way terrorist wannabe that left the US after joining Islam in his teenage years to fight in the "Holy war", the one who was found pathetically wandering around taking up arms against our American soldiers in Afghanistan in a war zone for kicks. Not found in or at an Internet cafe or a movie theater, bazaar but in a cave in a war zone with other terrorists.

This event took place right after the 9-11 invasion to eliminate the Taliban which was also intended to trap and then kill Bin Laden up in Tora Bora. And for all we really know he could actually be buried up there in the rubble somewhere as there really hasn't been any solid conclusive proof otherwise besides a bunch of bs video and audio tapes that any good impersonator, like Rich Little perhaps could've easily produced.

Each and every day we witness another unbelievable defense of some sort of our poor helpless enemies in the war on terror by the lunatic now mainstream left, including this op ed below ridiculously seeking to substantiate why this moron should be pardoned or have his sentence commuted for these crimes, again for again taking up arms against the US as a US citizen in a foreign country in a war zone.

They at the times and elsewhere maintain that twenty years for his crimes is just way too long for poor Jihad Johnny and we should let him out now, time served so he can happily rejoin our society again. If released maybe he'll become about as productive as this wayward lunatic from Gitmo who recently made some headlines of his own if you'll recall that we talked about here a few days ago.

As if that isn't pathetically naive and purely ignorant enough, they also have the nerve and unmitigated gall to go on and compare this bumbling terrorist wannabe and his case to Lewis "Scooter" Libby's case by insinuating that the more serious and egregious of the two individuals is actually Libby if you can believe that.

The mindset and worldview of the anti-war and American left is so warped that hope for their recovery from this mental disorder which they collectively suffer seems unlikely in our lifetimes, which will be short indeed if the left and the terrorists have their way with the world as they are right now.

So my friends pull out the tissues and violins for this one while the LA Slimes paints "Our Talib" as they so chummily refer to him as, as just a poor sad sack little American mischievous boy gone wrong that the mean old big bad wolf US government is practically criminal for imprisoning any longer. That for his what they apparently deem as now not so serious and forgivable crimes. Boy oh boy

Free our Talib -

Los Angeles Times: "The president's power to grant clemency -- in the form of either a pardon or a commutation -- is much maligned and occasionally abused, as was the case when President Bush used it to keep his colleague, I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, from facing even a day in prison for lying and obstructing justice. But the power has its appropriate uses as well, and the case of John Walker Lindh calls out for it.

Known unfortunately as 'the American Taliban,' Lindh became a symbol for fanaticism, even treason, in the early months of the nation's response to Sept. 11. He was apprehended in late 2001 in the mountains of Afghanistan, where, at the age of 20, he was serving in the army of a nation that harbored terrorists, including Osama bin Laden.

Weak and wounded, he was blindfolded and duct-taped naked to a stretcher, kept incommunicado in an uninsulated shipping container and interrogated by intelligence and FBI agents. Once home, he was charged with terrorism in a 10-count indictment, deliberately sought by the government in the Eastern District of Virginia, then still reeling from the attack on the Pentagon."
We'll take a break here to pay some bills so you can run to the washroom and grab some more tissue and Visine if you need it.

Now playing at a left wing theater near you, the Johnny Walker Lindh Story!!!
click to enlarge
...allrighty we're back. here we go again folks ..
Lindh was pilloried by officials at the highest levels of the government. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft called him an "Al Qaeda-trained terrorist," and the charges against Lindh originally included conspiring to commit terrorism. Those charges were dropped, however, and Lindh today is serving time not for any act committed against the United States, but for violating a Clinton-era presidential order that prohibits providing "services" to the Taliban.

Lindh, who converted to Islam as a teenager, joined the Taliban before Sept. 11, not after; he did so to fight the Northern Alliance, not the United States. Lindh never took up arms against this country. He never engaged in terrorism; indeed, his commitment to Islam leads him to oppose the targeting of civilians. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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