This is a story of a "David Koresh Branch Davidian type place only for Jihadders on our soil mind you called, are you ready for this, IslamBerg! That's right, Islamberg, which kind of sounds like a nice little Santa's Village or Great America type gathering place for our Muslim friends to go on the weekends, but it's hardly an amusement park and there's nothing funny at all about what's going on up in the mountains there in New York.
At least Koresh and his nutty followers were for the most part Americans, albeit a different breed or group with some screws loose here and there. Yet as American citizens supposedly afforded the same constitutional rights as the rest of us his backwards compound or retreat or whatever you wish to refer to it as was awkwardly bulldozed and then burned to the ground after a tenuous 51 day standoff with Bill Clinton's Justice department led by the fearless Janet Reno. This was the result when they wouldn't open up their gates to the feds demands one afternoon basically, to crudely encapsulate the whole sad affair in a few hundred words or less.
Don't get me wrong, as I am not a Koresh follower or apologist by any means, but I am using this example and facts demonstrating that they were still American citizens and some form of Christians and look how they were treated by the government, yet this Muslim populated Islamic based enclave I am speaking of has been up there for many years virtually untouched by the feds in any way for the most part.
This in spite of the pleas and complaints of local taxpaying American residents both near and far that there is scurrilous and dangerous activity taking place up there at the minimum, and should at the very least be looked at more closely for safety reasons not to mention National Security issues. Yet it goes basically ignored and untouched unlike the jackboot thug treatment Koresh and his group received.
So below I've linked to the actual website for this place, and yes they remarkably have one that is an obvious front and &^%$3 slap to our government saying "This is our peaceful little Islamaland and look, It says right here for you to all be believing that we say so" and what they would like us all to think about their little hamlet like we are all ignorant infidels that would actually take the information seriously that they are providing on their town.
LIFE IN ISLAMBERG -ISLAMBERG.ORG: "Over twenty years ago the village of Islamberg was established. Islamberg's in the catskills mountains upstate New York. Hundreds of muslims live there. There are over forty homes in the valley, where numerous streams gush forth." from the website front page..
From the interior begins this plea:
Over twenty years ago, our Imam, Al Sheik Mubarik Ali Shah Jilani Hashimi, inspired our Jamaat to extricate ourselves out of the crime infested cities and pool our resources to purchase land where we could build our own Muslim villages. We in fact made Hijra for ALLAH's sake that we might practice our Deen in letter and spirit. ALLAH the most high knows the sacrifices and loss, the hardship and suffering endured in the move from Dar ul Harb to Dar ul Islam.
Now over a generation later, Islamberg is a healthy, struggling Muslim community of over forty families, with it's own newspaper, summer camp for muslim youth, grocery store, laundromat, and bakery. read more
Well, you know that's gotta be too good to be true, and yes you can bet it is. Here's the real scoop on what's going on up there and it isn't peaceful paradise that their website portrays
Islamberg, New York:
"You can hear gunfire up there. I can't understand why the FBI won't shut it down"Jihad Watch: ": "The intrepid Paul Williams has a report in Canada Free Press (thanks to all who sent this in) about his visit to Islamberg, New York, a camp run by the jihadist Jamaat ul-Fuqra group. The inhabitants wouldn't let him into the compound, but he talked to some of the locals, and found out a good deal:"
Go to the full article there and after your done reading it, do as Jihad Watch's Robert Spenser suggests and pleads in his post ... Then Contact your local congressmen and or women immediately demanding some sort of action be taken against this powder keg training camp trouble spot immediately.
Technorati Tags:war on terror, islamberg, terrorist training camps, al queda, new york state, upstate new york, terror community, troublemakers, national security threat, illegal aliens
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