They simply cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their outright hatred for the military and the country even on this special day set aside for their honor.
Right leaning columnist Bob Parks picks apart the rag piece written by left wing radical hack Michael Kamber rather effectively in the editorial/ article offered below. Do read it, it's very good and reveals a lot about the left and their continued pathological hatred for anyone & anything they're against (which is everything that's good for the country BTW)
The New York Times MutinyBlack and Right » "Some of us in America will be in observance of Memorial Day 2007. While some of us reflect on those who have died defending our country almost every day, some of us will take the opportunity to reflect because the holiday dictates such. There are also some who wish to use this day to continue their protest of the war while there are people in harm’s way."
In this case, I speak of New York Times writer Michael Kamber and the Times in general. While fewer and fewer people are reading the New York Times, one can only hope those trying to kill our soldiers aren’t reading the online version of Kamber’s latest….
May 27, 2007
Doubts Grow as G.I.’s in Iraq Find Allies in Enemy Ranks
By Michael Kamber
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