I say go one step further and impeach him from the senate next week while they're at it. Remarks like that are treason and after we remove him we can use the move as a precedent to remove future violators, like the many democrats constantly saying treasonous things in the press and getting away with it during the war.
Michigan GOP leader wants Paul barred from future debates
NewsFlash - mlive.com: "COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The chairman of the Michigan Republican Party said Wednesday that he will try to bar Ron Paul from future GOP presidential debates because of remarks the Texas congressman made that suggested the Sept. 11 attacks were the fault of U.S. foreign policy.
Michigan party chairman Saul Anuzis said he will circulate a petition among Republican National Committee members to ban Paul from more debates. At a GOP candidates' debate Tuesday night, Paul drew attacks from all sides, most forcefully from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, when he linked the terror attacks to U.S. bombings."Michigan party chairman Saul Anuzis said he will circulate a petition among Republican National Committee members to ban Paul from more debates. At a GOP candidates' debate Tuesday night, Paul drew attacks from all sides, most forcefully from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, when he linked the terror attacks to U.S. bombings.
"Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? They attack us because we've been over there. We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years," Paul said.
Treasonous practically, but we'll just chalk it up to stupidity and ask for the clown to resign. Since he surely won't then he should be impeached by his constituents, Texans who I'm sure are embarrassed by these comments, for ignorance and aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime.
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