> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Left Wing Agenda Spreads Like Cancer

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Left Wing Agenda Spreads Like Cancer

Welcome to the left wing Utopian world of selfishness to the extreme, and their daily prayer?

In Our World Anything goes, anything to pleasure thyself how I want when I want as much as I want, as there is indeed a God at the center of my universe, and I am it..

First it started with the forced societal integration and acceptance of homosexuality as a natural option, then crept in same-sex marriage or whatever they can call it so it sounds palatable.

Next will then be the legalization and forced acceptance of pedophilia redefined as two people in love that have the right to be recognized as such, and then finally the normalization of incest, like the sick demented couple below from Germany is attempting to push on the world. So instead of admitting obvious mental illness and getting badly needed help, they will attempt to rewrite the laws of nature to make them all feel better about themselves.

Then they litigate to force their mental illness to be accepted into law as an absolutely natural and normal act by some activist left wing judge somewhere. Thereafter the rejection of this new order by the majority of society and the preponderance of individuals will then be deemed as discrimination and hate speech violating the civil rights of this new classification of people.

This little dance all sounds frighteningly familiar doesn't it?

Finally there will be the liberal utopian come one come all orgy absent of all inhabitions and taboos thus opening the door to the long awaited by the left acceptance of beastiality and then the inevitable inter-species unions between them.

Please don't laugh 'cause it ain't funny and as you question my sanity for presenting this all here as some twighlight zone nightmare from planet wackazoid, the way things are going it's all coming right around the bend.

Incestuous Love

CNN.com - In the Field: "Patrick is looking at me, clenching his fist, his body shaking, he’s saying nothing. Susan isn’t saying anything either and neither am I. Silence can be so agonizing and there’s so much tension in the air you could almost cut it with a knife. There we are just staring at each other.

It was a difficult interview for a story that couldn’t be more controversial.

Patrick and Susan are a couple and have four children. They are also brother and sister and that makes their relationship illegal under German law. Patrick and Susan didn’t even know of each other’s existence until Patrick was over 20 years old and Susan was in her teens. After their mother died, they lived together and eventually fell in love
Here in the story is where CNN injects their left wing trial balloon CNN poll:

CNN story continued here
So the stage is being set right before our collective eyes, so don't blink or you'll miss it. I can hear it all now..........

"Do you Joe, take John, your own brother by blood to be your lawfully wedded
same sex spouse through all future STD's, Bouts of HIV & Aids , and Litigation so help you


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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