> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Northwestern U. Muslims Demand Special Treatment...

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Northwestern U. Muslims Demand Special Treatment...

This is a story coming from here in Chicago from our world renowned Northwestern University that's reminiscent of a similar request (how bout it's more like, "do this for us or else get out your lawyers") that a public type facility provide and set aside a special place just for Muslims to pray. These demands as I call them are being made more and more as the institutions become afraid of the supposed "bad pub" and PC madness police dragging them and their attorneys through the courts.

This just happened in another similar story regarding a payout to a Middle Eastern looking Portuguese American man who successfully sued American Airlines for the first time since 9-11 and the newer rules for supposed discrimination, thus padding his and his attorney's pocketbooks to the tune of 400 G's yesterday's news tells us. I'm sure his hurt feelings feel better today.

"Flier gets $400g in jet flap: Crew mistook him for terrorist"

In the Northwestern instance below, this "request" is just to appease the supposed "needs" of only 20 or so Muslims at Northwestern over the "needs and wants" of the rest of the populace that comprise of Christians, Jews, and every other religious faction you can imagine , who by the way do not have this special need or privilege available to them, nor have they demanded it knowing they would be laughed out of the Deans office most likely.

In other words the other 99.5% of the population at the school.

So here we have, "The Muslims" who want again for everyone else, IN AMERICA mind you, to bend to them. (not some Middle Eastern Country were such a similar demand or request by a Christian would be met with jail time or execution even,)

For us to accommodate their prayer schedules so they aren't inconvenienced, as opposed to the simple alternative in this case:

Miss the basketball game to stay home and pray. Problem solved, and we can call it the "To the Mosque to Pray, or Stay" Amendment..

By comparison, how many Devout Christian football fans in Chicago or any other American city have to make a decision to go see the Bears or their favorite NFL team on Sunday or go to church every other week or so during the winter? I myself know more than 20 friends and family members that have to make those decisions for cripey's sake every weekend during football season, particularly during a season such as this present one when the team is very competitive.

So do we have special chapels set up for them at Soldier Field or elsewhere to accommodate their NEEDS? No.

End of story one would think, in America at least.

So much for majority rule in this new nutty era we all live in.

Muslims say they need quiet room at Welsh-Ryan

Prayer Space Requested - Campus: "By Dan Fletcher and Paul Takahashi
The Daily NorthwesternAmid the cheering Northwestern football fans at Ryan Field, all Ashar Wasi wanted was a quiet place to pray. The only place he could find was a spot of less-than-clean floor in a public walkway.

'We had to pray in front of the concession stand, in front of all the people,' the McCormick junior said.

Perhaps someone noticed. At last Wednesday's ASG meeting, the Muslim-cultural Students Association proposed a bill establishing a designated prayer area at Welsh-Ryan Arena for Muslim students for football and basketball games.

McSA President Amir Siddiqui estimates more than 20 Muslim students are in attendance at nearly every game.

'Oftentimes while students are at sporting events, the prayer time falls during the game,' the Weinberg senior said. 'If there was a space to pray, or even an opportunity for students to leave and re-enter, things would be better. Right now, it can be difficult.'

John Mack, associate athletic director of external affairs, said McSA contacted him about the problem as early as mid-October. Despite discussing the request in staff meetings, Mack said they couldn't provide a solution.

'This is a request we took serious""We appreciate all student support, but we didn't feel there was a suitable area for prayer. There's not enough space in the arena."

Mack said the athletic department doesn't allow any spectators to leave and re-enter the facilities during an event.

"When you give preferential treatment, while respecting their group's religion, it's tough to determine where to draw the line in terms of our entire fan base," he said. more
So this is what the selfish bratty little Muslims have to say to that entirely reasonable explanation and rationale:
Regardless, some Muslim students said the current rules present an inconvenience that warrants more discussion.

"Right now, we have to pray late afterwards or early and it's annoying," said Ramah Kudaimi, a Medill senior. "It's a lot more convenient to have a designated area than having to pray at different times."
Demanding special treatment for Muslims so as they are not to be INCONVENIENCED. Screw everyone else's inconvenience I suppose is the lesson extrapolated from those remarks. So here's my suggestion for them;

There's always the mother land awaiting your return where your customs and religious propensities prevail. May you soon choose that option available to you as soon as possible.
Filed Under Religion of peace, PC Madness, Religious Persecution?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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