> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: AnnCoulter Laying Low Lately

Today's world headlines

Friday, November 24, 2006

AnnCoulter Laying Low Lately

It's probably my imagination, but she seems to have been staying in the background for the past couple of months, at least I haven't heard the left whining and crying about what a meanie she is when not ducking pies being thrown by liberal loons at talking appearances and writing books that are critical of the Jersey Girls or Cindy Sheehan, etc.

But in her latest column below she takes an idea I have had for quite a while now, but nobody takes me seriously about it nor do I have an audience of any strength to mount a movement in this direction besides my humble little space here on the web. It has to do with the always touchy and frankly tiresome situation we have worldwide with Muslims that feel since ever since 9-11 they are unfairly targeted for suspicion and ridicule in public venues of all types.

Why they think we would be any more suspicious of them now then before is beyond me. Throughout my 42 years on this planet I've always been suspicious of them on airplanes, on trains, on subways, just about anywhere except when patronizing a place of business they operate, in which case they are suspicious of me and treat me like sh*t. I've felt that way since the first terrorist type of event I ever understood as a young child goes back to the Munich olympics and what they perpetrated., Those images on tv and the news from that time scared me as a child and I can only imagine how the youngsters that witnessed 9-11 felt that day and today as a result.

It's beyond even being humorous any longer that in spite of the fact that 90% of the warring and terror activity around the globe involves Islam on one or both sides of the violence, Muslims more and more are shoving their religion and customs in our faces and demanding special treatment by everyone when they refuse to assimilate into western cultures and insist on standing out.

They say that this is discrimination when in fact it is nothing of the sort. If they feel the need to pray or practice their religion they can do it silently as most all Christians, Jews or any other faith of peoples are forced to do, myself included.

The most recent case of this being these six Imams that get tossed off a flight by doing every single thing Muslim men shouldn't be doing on an airplane during heightened alert time in order to not attract attention to themselves. They are wearing traditional but attention grabbing clothing that one could hide just about anything one could imagine, have hair growing on practically every part of their bodies visible, the majority of the time they smell as if the water and soap at their local mosque has been shut off for eternity, basically not at all trying to blend in with any culture other than their own.

It has always amazed me why people like they always complain about the treatment they receive elsewhere than their homeland and yet are in such a hurry to not be there. If you miss your customs and culture so much, go back to where it abounds and you will feel more comfortable, do not expect me or us to change our culture time and time again for you and yours.

It seems today that the only way to make airplanes and other mass transit safe from terrorists one hundred percent is to eliminate all Muslims from the equation. Racist you say? Yes I know it is, but yet it is the only way that we can be certain that another 9-11 does not occur by at least middle eastern Islamic males who once again commit over 90% of the worlds terrorist activity period.. Another alternative is what I have always done myself, and Ann is suggesting now, that we can just make it so uncomfortable and undesirable for them at all times that they will hopefully either get with the program or stay the hell away.
What Can I Do to Make Your Flight More Uncomfortable? by Ann Coulter: "Six imams removed from a US Airways flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix are calling on Muslims to boycott the airline. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether.

Witnesses said the imams stood to do their evening prayers in the terminal before boarding, chanting 'Allah, Allah, Allah' -- coincidentally, the last words heard by hundreds of airline passengers on 9/11 before they died.

Witnesses also said that the imams were talking about Saddam Hussein, and denouncing America and the war in Iraq. About the only scary preflight ritual the imams didn't perform was the signing of last wills and testaments.
After boarding, the imams did not sit together and some asked for seat belt extensions, although none were morbidly obese. Three of the men had one-way tickets and no checked baggage.

Also they were Muslims.

The idea that a Muslim boycott against US Airways would hurt the airline proves that Arabs are utterly tone-deaf. This is roughly the equivalent of Cindy Sheehan taking a vow of silence. How can we hope to deal with people with no sense of irony? The next thing you know, New York City cab drivers will be threatening to bathe.

Come to think of it, the whole affair may have been a madcap advertising scheme cooked up by US Airways. read more
Filed Under War On Terror, Assorted Nuts


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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