Not Again you say? Whenever you find attempts to make the United States energy needs easier, cheaper to get and then utilize, you will find this sunglass wearing mob with placards, PR consultants and tabloid media in tow. They hate those tabloids remember, except of coarse when they need 'em that is.
So this time it's some natural gas depot's that an Australian company is seeking to build off the coast of California. Be it wind energy mills being blocked by those enviro-freindly Kennedy's, or development and eminent domain legislation being blocked by Robert Redford, the left criticizes the US dependance on oil yet block any efforts to go in any other direction.
As they say, "Not In Their Back Yards". This terminal is literally in the back yard so to speak of Pierce Brosnan's property in Malibu, 14 F'N MILES off the coast.
No wonder he put together the rally. After all, 14 miles is no buffer zone deserved of a former James Bond.
Pardon me, aren't the ones on the left always arguing there is no terror threat, it's all a conspiracy cooked up by George Bush and Tony Blair? Yes they are.BREITBART.COM - Celebrities Protest Malibu Gas Facility: "Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan and other celebrities gathered Sunday to protest a natural gas facility proposed for a site 14 miles off the Malibu coast.
'We have to use our voices and band together and stop this,' said Oscar winner Halle Berry.
The gathering _ also attended by Cindy Crawford, Jane Seymour, Dick Van Dyke and Tea Leoni _ was intended to raise awareness about how the energy industry has invested billions to liquefy and ship natural gas across oceans.
There are five facilities proposed for California, with three along the Southern California coastline. One of the world's largest energy companies, Australian-based BHP Billiton, is seeking to build the terminal off the coast of Malibu and Oxnard. A decision is expected next year.
BHP officials say the terminals would provide a reliable source of low-polluting energy. Opponents, however, say the terminals would not meet clean air requirements and could be terrorist targets.
Brosnan, who hosted the protest, said his opposition to the terminals extends beyond the beach in his backyard. He plans to oppose other proposed terminals, including one in Long Beach and one in Port Hueneme.
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