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Saturday, September 16, 2006

It Took a Bit, But I Knew I Would Grow to Like the Man

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The pope finds himself in the midst of Muslim Uprising Redux part XI, as a result of his telling the truth quoting 4th century observations about their violent religion. Whenever anybody speaks the truth of this vile cult they are bombarded with veiled threat of violence if not actual violence (see infamous cartoon uprising of 2006 and about 14 million photographs available on the internet of this behavior since the advent of the WW Web.).

After seeing that, keep in mind the filth that tried to kill the last pope, John Paul II was of turkish origin, which is conveniently left out of the article below. When one reads the recent remarks made by the new pope, they are nothing but the truth, history has and present actions continue to prove this day in and day out. The muslims accentuate it more and more themselves to the world everytime they take to the streets behaving like the unbehaved animal like ingrates that many of them are. See picture below, an all to familiar scene from Allah's Animals. (below's pic is muhammads monsters burning the pope in effigy)

Is anybody else sick of having Islime's gun stuck to theirs and the free worlds head? I know I sure the hell am. The clash of civilizations is right around the corner if not here, and all must choose a side. I know what side I'm on as I'm sure if your here reading this you do too, and it ain't with the Islimic twisted deadbeats pictured above, they want it, they're gonna get it.

Muslim leaders demand apology for Pope's 'medieval' remarks
Pope Benedict XVI was last night facing angry demands from Muslims that he apologise for a speech in which he appeared to say the concept of jihad was "unreasonable" and quoted a medieval ruler who said Muhammad's innovations were "evil and inhuman".

Protests swept across the Islamic world and the furore threatened a scheduled visit by the Pope to Turkey.

The Vatican spokesman, Federico Lombardi, told Vatican Radio: "It was certainly not the intention of the Holy Father to undertake a comprehensive study of the jihad and of Muslim ideas on the subject, still less to offend the sensibilities of the Muslim faithful."

Father Miguel Ayuso Guixot, head of the Vatican's Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, told the Guardian he feared the Pope's words had been "misinterpreted". He added: "The Pope has worked tirelessly for inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue and for tolerance."

In Turkey, however, where the Pope is due to visit in November, the deputy leader of the ruling party said Benedict had "a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the middle ages". Salih Kapusuz added: "He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini." read more

"a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the middle ages" Excuse me? This coming from the religion that beheads people for minuscule reasons any time they feel like it? The only way their religion has moved out of the middle ages is that they now tape the beheadings in order to disperse them aqll over the internet as some Islamic caveman type of trophy.

Accusing the Pope of living in the Middle Ages, can these people be serious in any way to have the unmitigated gall to feed this crap to the media, who by the way is more than willing to actually print this? The western media is playing into the hands of these Islamic manipulating animals and their ignorance as to how they are being used in this civilizational face off is absolutely frightening beyond comprehension.

My advice to the Pope on this one which I'm sure he doesn't need, is a big "SCREW YOU ACHMED"! Apologies for what, reiterating and quoting the truth? If the Pope and Vatican apologizes any more than they already have I will be extremely dissappointed as that will be nothing more than one more emboldening cave in to these out of control Muslims.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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